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"Are you or your children in a life-threatening situation? Are you in immediate danger? Does your abuser have access to weapons or guns of any kind?" These are the very first questions to be asked when a victim of violence walks through the door of a YWCA. The safety of an abused woman is our...
Dara Richardson-Heron's picture
In a year where we have seen much progress from the White House and from the Department of Justice in addressing the needs of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ) survivors of violence, there is one national body that has failed to act. The 112th Congress has left much undone and...
Sharon Stapel's picture
Space is limited! Register in advance for your free ticket here - > Over the past couple of years I have attended multiple conferences addressing the various connections between food, health & culture. I've gained so much as both a featured...
Ola Ronke's picture
Organizations working to make the world a better place have strong ambitions. They want to reduce gun violence in the wake of Sandy Hook, get Americans off the couch and active, and keep children safe from climate change. These groups need to wield influence to succeed—not in a Machiavellian way...
Kristen Grimm's picture
" UPDATE (2/28/2013): VICTORY! The House of Representatives decided to stand with students, Native Americans, immigrants, and the LGBT community and passed the Senate inclusive #VAWA in a vote 286-138!" via Feminist Majority Foundation. At last the House will vote on the Violence Against Women Act...
Kristin's picture
This story originally appeared in the Carolyn Edgar blog . There’s been a lot of talk in the media lately about women in the workplace. From Anne-Marie Slaughter’s complaining about not “having it all,” to Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg exhorting women to “lean in” to their careers (translation: suck...
Carolyn Edgar's picture
This week, my five-year-old son finally mastered the art of making his own morning cereal. It’s a big milestone but honestly, but I'll save the real celebration for when he can do it without spilling milk everywhere. It’s one thing to start something but another to finish the job without leaving a...
Ashley Boyd's picture
It seems that the end of February has become my new fundraising time for Planned Parenthood. Its time to get out your check books and make a donation of any size to a Planned Parenthood near you. Tomorrow (actually February 29) will be a year since my mother passed away from a sudden stroke in her...
Renee Blanchard's picture
By now you've heard that federal budget cuts will take effect on Friday. And you've heard the strange-sounding name for these cuts: sequestration. Sequestration means across-the-board spending cuts, and this sequester was written into law in August 2011 as a kind of terrible incentive for lawmakers...
Mattea Kramer's picture
We can't wait to see you this Saturday, March 2, 2013 at the Brooklyn Bridge Marriott Hotel , located at 333 Adams Street in downtown Brooklyn. We've got lots of great people coming out and all we need is YOU! Here is the Food Power agenda! Don't forget to register -
Monifa Bandele's picture
