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Sequestration is both an ugly word and hard to explain. As a budget wonk, I like to use this metaphor: It’s as if the American people are being squeezed into the back of a dilapidated Chevy pick-up. Careening down a dirt road, we’re headed for a brick wall. Try as we might to wake up from this...
Jo Comerford's picture
Just imagine they’re all four years old.” Someone once told me to try that when I was nervous about speaking in front of a group. Maybe you’ve heard it too: Look out at the audience and imagine them all as… preschoolers. Clearly, whoever coined that little quip had not spent a lot of time around...
Ann Hedreen's picture
Good news arrived earlier this month in a report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on breastfeeding rates. The CDC found that from 2000 to 2008, the percentage of women overall who initiated breastfeeding increased from 70.3 percent to 74.6 percent. During the same time...
Diana Derige's picture
(Photo courtesy of the Rio Arriba Community Health Council blog.) Ever since New Mexico Governor Susana Martinez said she would support making Medicaid accessible to more uninsured New Mexicans, healthcare workers and advocates working in communities around the state have been identifying ways in...
Elisa Batista's picture
As I travel the country in my consulting work, I’m always asking everyone and anyone if they knew of any African American IBCLC's. Sometimes I use my intrepid journalism skills and other times I must use more grapevine and Underground Railroad-like pathways. In some cities, there are stories and...
Kimberly Seals Allers's picture
Baby Amor was born on February 6, 2012, weighing 1.92 pounds. He had surgery – with many complications – and was held in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) at Cook County Stroger Jr. Hospital for seven months. In March 2012, with generous support from the VNA Foundation , HealthConnect One and...
RoiAnn Phillips's picture
There’s no doubt about it – public awareness and support for breastfeeding is at an all-time high. In fact, we just may be reaching the “tipping point.” Recent years have seen an unprecedented level of attention and commitment to improving the “landscape of breastfeeding support” and the media has...
Cathy Carothers's picture
Reflecting on Black History Month, we have a tendency to hear stories about the Rosa Parks, Mahalia Jackson, Jackie Robinson-type icons who broke through color barriers to lay the foundation of a better future for people of color. As a doctoral student studying public health, I am proud that in the...
Tyra Gross's picture
During my pregnancy there was no doubt in my mind that I would breastfeed my daughter, why wouldn’t I? So in my excitement as a first time mother to be I read a number of ‘Mothers & Babies’ magazines and websites on the issue. I prepared myself aptly by purchasing what was said to be the best...
Tokunbo Koiki's picture
When I decided to become a mother at age 21, I had no idea how to prepare. I just knew in my heart that I wanted to do any and everything most natural and beneficial for my child. My doctors were supportive of me deciding to breastfeed so shortly after giving birth they placed my daughter in my...
Tennille Patterson's picture
