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On New Year's Day 2013, Congress listened to voices of millions of mothers and families and passed "fiscal cliff" legislation that makes the wealthiest in this country pay more of their fair share. Who helped win the day? You did! Our nation needs your help again. There is another Congressional...
Kristin's picture
It’s all about who is having babies – or perhaps more accurately, who is NOT having babies. The declining birth rate in the U.S. prompted much discussion, some of which you’ll find below. The only thing the writers agree on is that fewer women are opting to become mothers. Arguments differ as to...
Valerie Young's picture
We interrupt our regularly scheduled holiday relaxation to bring you a critical message: Moms (you!) are needed to help alleviate a severe case of Congressional foot dragging. No one can light a fire under slow-moving bottoms like moms! Why? Because if Congress doesn't act quickly, after 11:59pm on...
Kristin's picture
With New Year’s fast approaching, the “fiscal cliff” puts billions of dollars of critical investments for children at risk. If policy makers do nothing, millions of children could be pushed into poverty with the expiration of improvements to the Child Tax Credit and the Earned Income Tax Credit...
Jared Solomon's picture
Two weeks after the shooting at Sandy Hook elementary school, I am struggling to determine the reasons why my feelings about it are still so raw. There is no other national tragedy that has affected me so deeply. After the horror of 9/11, when I lost a college classmate who was working in the Twin...
Allison Lefrak's picture
By Marcia D. Greenberger , Co-President, National Women's Law Center As we approach the end of President Obama’s first term in office, it’s an appropriate time to look back and take stock of the impact the President has had on the federal bench, to date. Although, thanks to a determined minority in...
Thao Nguyen's picture
When I moved from the Midwest to Baltimore, MD I was excited to be in a new place and to see what the East Coast had to offer. One thing that surprised me was the lack of supermarkets and grocers available where I lived. There were only a few sprinkled throughout the city. Instead, I found a number...
Jennifer White's picture
Today, we were stunned and outraged to hear the National Rifle Association's (NRA) CEO Wayne LaPierre blame everything except guns for the tragic deaths of 20 children and eight adults in Connecticut. His main suggestion for preventing gun violence? More guns. And, on top of that, more guns near...
Kristin's picture
The thing about holiday travel is that no matter how fabulous or ordinary your destination you’re probably uprooting yourself from your normal foodscape. It won’t be as convenient to plan your family’s meals as it is on daily basis. Add to that the food personalities of your family members. There...
Anayah Sangodele-Ayoka's picture
Been out shopping in the past couple of weeks? If the answer is yes, you know consumers are mobbing stores to snap up mountains of plastic soon-to-be-junk from toy stores and big boxes. Do kids really need more stuff? And what's the message we're sending? Like it or not, toys and make-believe do...
Martha Burk's picture
