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By now, most people who pay attention to the news have heard about the “fiscal cliff.” The problem: Most people don’t know what the fiscal cliff actually is, or how it will impact their families. The term “fiscal cliff” is shorthand for a series of events that will occur at the end of 2012 that...
Ann OLeary's picture
Twenty (20) elementary age children were gunned down and killed today. . . Words will never suffice to describe the pain and anguish their parents & families are suffering right now (and will suffer for years to come). We pray for all those whose children and loved ones (28 total) were...
Lori Haas's picture
We are beyond heartbroken as we think of the kindergarteners and others that died today in Connecticut. Today is the 3rd day this week when there's been a mass shooting in our nation. We are parents. Many NRA members are parents. And none of us want to live in a nation where children are gunned...
Kristin's picture
This blog carnival was published on December 10th, 2012, and updated with additional blog posts on December 12th, 2012. As we commemorate today’s anniversary of the adoption by the United Nations of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights , MomsRising is pleased to launch a blog carnival to...
Kristin's picture
Eleven years ago, I was contacted by Ann Monaco, a teacher at the Merit School of Music in Chicago. One of her students – Tereza Lee – was a musical prodigy who had played as a soloist with the Chicago Symphony Orchestra. After growing up in an apartment with no heat or hot water, and learning to...
Senator Dick Durbin's picture
A year ago this week, President Obama announced an initiative that would have a profound impact on mothers and daughters across the country. At a press conference, surrounded by a dozen women who assist—or are assisted by—home care aides, President Obama announced that he was going to end the...
Jodi Sturgeon's picture
These days, dads change diapers, help with homework, and fix dinner for the kids. But there’s one area where their co-parenting duties are still often overlooked: talking with teens about sex and sexuality. As mothers, we know that parenting is not just our responsibility. Neither is talking with...
Leslie Kantor's picture
I'm struck by the recent op-ed by rapper-poet-pop star K'naan in the NY Times, "Censoring Myself for Success," found here . It made me sad - but wasn't surprising - to read how music industry executives wanted him to water down his message and fascinating life story growing up in war-torn Mogadishu...
Homa Tavangar's picture
After his reelection, speculation quickly began about what the second term of President Obama will mean for immigrant communities. While we breathed a sigh of relief following the defeat of Mitt Romney's self-deportation politics, it would be irresponsible for us to return to 2008 levels of hope...
Pablo Alvarado's picture
Well, it's settled. With President Obama reelected and the Supreme Court upholding the Affordable Care Act, health reform is definitely moving forward. But what's happening in your state? How can you get involved in how health reform is implemented in your state and make sure it addresses the needs...
Jane Yoo's picture
