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Phthalates are toxic chemicals already banned from children's toys because we know they're dangerous to kids. But they aren't yet banned from all products intended for kids: It turns out phthalates can be found in many back-to-school products as well, including lunch boxes and backpacks! This year...
Claire Moshenberg's picture
This op-ed originally appeared in ABC News / Univision . Lily Eskelsen is a mother, grandmother and teacher with 20 years of classroom experience. While she's not an immigrant, she has passionate views on immigration because many of her students have dealt with the struggles of being undocumented...
Mary O's picture
By the time President Obama and Governor Romney throw out the first punches in the October 3 debate, many of the nation’s 16 million poor children will be fast asleep. Some of them will have gone to bed hungry. Some of them will be sleeping in homeless shelters or substandard housing. Many of them...
Hannah Matthews's picture
Large groups gathering in Iowa in the early morning hours? People camping out in Ohio before the doors open? Click here to help register 4 more! It’s starting! Early voting has begun: In Iowa, voters have been able to vote since last week . And when I flipped on the radio this morning, I heard that...
Ruth Martin's picture
Every year The Center for WorkLife Law, which I direct, runs a leadership academy for women law firm partners . One key message we send is that sometimes what it takes to make partner is different from what it takes to rise in the partnership. “I’ve noticed that the women work so exceptionally hard...
Joan C. Williams's picture
Why we need our Presidential candidates to talk about climate change Personal appeals and more than 160,000 signatures for climate change to be included in Oct. 3 Presidential debate, delivered to The NewsHour offices. This summer, the United States experienced record-high temperatures and...
Gloria Pan's picture
“We need to accelerate the pace of progress… It’s time. Women are ready.” Mary Hughes, founder of the 2012 Project said this. And our team at Women’s Funding Alliance couldn’t agree more! For the last 30 years, Women’s Funding Alliance has been a catalyst for change here in Washington State. We do...
It’s not surprising that women are still most responsible for figuring out what to do about family healthcare problems. Studies suggest that we make about 80 percent of healthcare decision for our families and are most likely to be caregivers when a family member falls sick. From day one, we...
Dear Romney/Ryan Campaign, Recently, while appearing on "Fox News Sunday," vice presidential candidate and Congressman Paul Ryan declined, yet again, to explain the specifics of the Romney/Ryan tax plan. The claim is that Romney/Ryan tax reform will be "revenue neutral," because the tax cuts they...
Kelly Singleton's picture
This week, workers all across the country will be tweeting that question to candidates for office at all levels, asking them to support this basic workplace standard or explain why they will not. At a time when more than 40 million hardworking Americans can't earn any paid sick time to use when...
Debra Ness's picture
