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A few times a year, I teach a cooking class for new moms . At the beginning of each new session, once coffee is poured and babies settled, I ask the group what they hope to get out of the class. The answers usually fall into one of three categories, even though each woman’s situation is unique. A...
Debbie Koenig's picture
According to Salon's Broadsheet , the Massachusetts Supreme Court ruled last week that the state's maternity leave act (MMLA) should stand, leaving mothers who work for a company with less than fifty employees with only two months of unpaid leave after the birth of a baby. The other moms? They're...
On July 28th, MomsRising’s campaign director, Donna Norton, presented me with a collection of stories from MomsRising members in Iowa and across the country about the need for paid sick days. These stories are incredibly compelling. Donna presents Sen. Harkin the MomsRising members' PSD book I was...
Senator Tom Harkin's picture
I was watching "Sesame Street" with my two young sons the other day and found myself noticing the variety of people in the show. It was satisfying to see that not only were my kids getting to know Big Bird and the alphabet but they were also learning that people can work together regardless of...
I just got back from a Dr. Pepper plant in Texas where managers told me about people laughing at work a lot more since they began the transition to becoming a High Performance Work Place (HPWP). As a person who has been writing a book about work practices that are good for both business and the...
joan's picture
REGISTER NOW FOR SEPTEMBER 9th (12:30- 1:30 ET) CLASP AUDIO CALL: “ Profitable: A Flexible Workplace for ALL Workers.” Join a lively discussion with Joan Blades (co-founder of and , Jody Heymann (founding director of the Institute for Health and Social Policy at McGill...
Jodie Levin-Epstein's picture
Question: I currently have Medicaid and would like to know how health reform affects my Medicaid? First off, rest assured, all individuals who are currently covered under Medicaid will continue to receive coverage. Health reform prevents states from enacting Medicaid eligibility cuts between now...
As a behavior specialist who as a child was medicated from 1970 to 1977 I'm often asked my opinion about Ritalin. Here's my experience.
Joe Newman's picture
My family and I have just returned from an unforgettable vacation, which, given the firestorm in the U.S. press, I’m a little embarrassed to admit, and feel I need to justify: We went to Spain – at the same time as Michelle and Sasha Obama and girlfriends, and to many of the same spots (though in...
Homa Tavangar's picture
True story. I'm sitting on the beach with my kids earlier this week having a relaxing vacation in California and two buff twenty year old surfer dudes come over and say they are from "Grassroots Company," or some such thing, and they want my signature to repeal health care reform. Sometimes, there'...
Donna's picture
