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Voices for Healthy Kids
New York City has more than 26,000 restaurants. Starting next year, those with children’s menus must offer healthier drinks, like milk and water, as the default drink — thanks to the city’s new Healthy Happy Kids’ Meals Law.
Stephanie Vaughn's picture
Take Action!
[IMAGE DESCRIPTION: A photo of a stack of voting reminder postcards slipping into a brass mail slot in a door.]
Forget Wonder Woman’s lasso – it’s time to talk about YOUR super powers. You have secret super powers to help turn out the vote in Virginia’s super important November 5th election this year (every single seat in the VA State Legislature is being voted on)! Click here to activate your super powers...
Sara Alcid's picture
Concerned about hunger in our state and communities? Want to learn more and do something about it? You can! Join me at one of the upcoming Hunger Forums. Read on to learn more! The purpose of the Hunger Forums is to create an environment where we can listen and learn about food insecurity from the...
Jessica Burroughs's picture
Tell Congress: Take action to ban surprise medical bills!
For the first time ever, Congress has an opportunity to pass bipartisan legislation that will ban surprise medical bills, and would protect patients while holding down health care costs and premiums. That’s right—bipartisan legislation that would have a huge positive impact for families across the...
Felicia Burnett's picture
Take Action!
Imagine this...It’s late on November 3, 2020. You are glued to the TV watching the election results come in and the candidates for President are neck and neck. Suddenly, there is a news flash – reports are coming in that another country has hacked our elections and no one can verify the results...
Tasmiha Khan's picture
Mom with young daughter hugging her and smiling.
After years of stalemate in the NC General Assembly, lawmakers will FINALLY vote on a bill to expand health care coverage to low-income, uninsured adults! That’s right, the NC House is voting this week on H655, the NC Health Care for Working Families Act . Quick Signature: Send a letter to tell NC...
Felicia Burnett's picture
Good news, folks: You can cross off pencils and paper from your back-to-school shopping list . School-issued laptops and tablets are steadily replacing workbooks and practice packets. Yes, it's exciting: a shiny new device kids get all to themselves; software that adapts to their level; and a much-...
Caroline Knorr's picture
As Americans, there are certain things that bind us all together regardless of origin, gender, or political affiliation. A love of country, democracy, and a tireless pursuit of equity, justice, and humanity, serve as a unifying force for Latinos and all Americans. These ideals serve as the bedrock...
Lizette Escobedo's picture
In today’s installment of We Are MomsRising, we talked to Markisha in New York about how the Child Tax Credit helps her family! Read her story below. To learn more about the We Are MomsRising campaign, check out this blog . As a stay-at-home mom of two young children, our family is on a tight...
Abbie Gately's picture
Happy Friday. We're sharing this week's roundup of top and timely actions below, featuring timely and important calls-to-action around immigration, taxes, gun safety, and more. Scroll down for an exciting photo of our team at the debate in Houston last night, too! As always, sharing this list with...
Karen Showalter's picture
