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¡La legislatura de Carolina del Norte está de nuevo en sesión y MomsRising/MamásConPoder está de vuelta para decirle a los legisladores que expandan Medicaid! La buena noticia es que este año estamos más cerca que nunca de asegurar que los adultos de bajos ingresos que no tienen seguro tengan la...
Felicia Burnett's picture
Take Action
Our Florida public schools really need your help because right now state legislators in Tallahassee are trying to defund our schools! They’re so eager to defund the schools they’ve even made it their top legislative priority - and we have to act now to put a stop to it. → Click here to send a...
Nina Perez's picture
How we can use green energy and building electrification to help build a cleaner and healthier future for families, children, and mothers Building electrification is a rapidly growing industry that can help to decrease pollution and create healthier places for our families to live. The use of solar...
Dorthea Thomas's picture
Image with people holding a sign that says The Working Families tax Credit
Along with our coalition partners , we at MomsRising are spreading some good news! Over 400,000 Washington households will be eligible for the Working Families Tax Credit starting in February 2023. Are you curious about the program? Want to help spread the word? You’re reading the right blog post!...
Mandy Kwan's picture
Part 2 of 6
In 2022 MomsRising won transformational policy changes that bettered the lives of families, boosted the economy, and lifted democracy.
Kerri Karvetski's picture
graphic stating 6 in 10 people who need and have abortions are moms
On the radio show this week we cover the continued fight for access to abortion care, how organizations like UltraViolet are holding corporations accountable and their top priorities; we also cover the new national health care provisions available to you, including: a permanent option for 12-month...
Amber Dorsey's picture
Image that says "Stand with early childhood educators
If you know anyone with a child in child care you know that the system is broken. Families can't afford care or find any openings in their area. Parents, especially moms, are being pushed out of the workforce. All this while child care providers are earning poverty-level wages and struggling to...
Mandy Kwan's picture
There are times in our lives when a simple thank you can make a lasting difference and impression. One of those times is now. From the first moment Nancy Pelosi became a member of Congress she’s been a force for women and families. During her historic four terms as the very first woman - and mother...
MomsRising's picture
We know the voices of parents and caregivers are essential to articulating our shared challenges and defining and demanding the solutions. Yet too often they are tokenized at best, and sidelined at worst. Join us to change that. We're launching a conversation around what real, meaningful parent...
Karen Showalter's picture
Mental health is physical health.
We’re in the middle of a profound mental health crisis and it stems from not taking care of our mammal needs and not attending to the stress in our relationships. Psychological needs are physical needs because if we don’t feel psychologically safe, we experience a biological reaction. Our...
Beth Anstandig's picture
