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Last year, we launched the RISERS Parent Fellowship, a national fellowship which focuses on early childhood, with the goal of supporting parent leaders and helping them develop their skills as advocates and leaders in their communities to help advance the causes that so many families across the...
Diana Limongi's picture
We are only a few weeks away from the end of the year, but there is still more work to be done in Congress this year. American families need Congress to be focused on the priorities that matter and this week’s 5Actions have several things to do to remind Congress about what’s important. Your voice...
Sue Anne Reed's picture
MomsRising-Together-Logo-9.png December 12, 2022 Dear Member of Congress, On behalf of our over one million MomsRising members around the country, we want to thank you for passing impactful legislation to lift up our nation this Congress, including the Inflation Reduction Act, the Infrastructure...
Elyssa Schmier's picture
Image of people holding signs and wearing face masks
Moms and women turned out in force in this last election, now let’s use that same energy to turn up and turn out for Washington State’s upcoming legislative session. Let’s let our lawmakers know what matters to us! WHAT'S HAPPENING IN OLYMPIA? The 2023 Washington State legislative session begins in...
Mandy Kwan's picture
Image with people hugging and holding each other and text sharing details about the event
Looking for something FREE, FUN, and IMPACTFUL to do with the family? Join MomsRising, mom lawmakers, and families from across Washington for a virtual statewide town hall on December 10th at 11 am PT. Moms powered the 2022 election, now it's time to power the 2023 legislative session! Take action...
Mandy Kwan's picture
The fight for environmental sustainability and health equity is a pressing concern worldwide. Mothers have a unique role in ensuring the future of our planet and its inhabitants are safe, healthy, and secure. As health equity and green practices become increasingly necessary to prevent the worst...
Dorthea Thomas's picture
MomsVote volunteer in NC
MOMentum banner.gif What a month for mom power! When democracy needed it most, MomsRising supporters like you stepped up in a MASSIVE way to get out the Mom Vote for the midterm elections – including handwriting nearly a million postcards to give moms who are infrequent voters the information they...
Kerri Karvetski's picture
Today (Friday, Dec. 2) is the last day of early voting for the Georgia Runoff election. I thought about waiting until election day, but with three kids, there’s always a chance that something will come up and I didn’t want to take any chances on securing my vote. The first time I voted in a major...
Selina Maldonado's picture
Tell U.S. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer that we need a Senate vote NOW on banning assault weapons and high-capacity magazines! The University of Virginia. Club Q in Colorado Springs. The Walmart in Chesapeake, Virginia. That’s three horrific and heart-breaking mass shootings, one after the...
Kristin's picture
Childcare prices have exploded over the last decade, and with the pandemic, options have diminished. My husband and I are both public elementary school teachers. We are able to live comfortably but not extravagantly. Affording daycare for our toddler son has pushed our budget to the limit-- we make...
Elyssa Schmier's picture
