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We Are MomsRising
Momsrising RISER Jacqeline at the Capitol
"I love you ladies... If it wasn't for y'all, our stories would not be heard."
Diana Limongi's picture
On the radio show this week we cover the ways in which democracy is under attack and how to fight back with your votes (and your voice!), get the latest news on how more people will vote for candidates IF the candidate supports paid family/medical leave and a care infrastructure; learn about the...
MomsRising's picture
We have five important actions for you to take this week! If you have already signed these actions (thank you!), please share them on your social networks as that helps more people get involved. Thank you for all you do. -- Sue Anne, Kristin, Diarra, Claudia, Elyssa, Felicia, and the rest of the...
Sue Anne Reed's picture
cartoon superhero mom flying to the stars
"I’ve always been the 'introverted quiet girl' and I learned being quiet is a great way to truly listen to people, listen to what they left unsaid and truly find the connection between us all."
Kerri Karvetski's picture
[IMAGE DESCRIPTION: A graphic image of the state of New Hampshire.]
Ready, set, VOTE! New Hampshire: It’s time to get ready for the upcoming November 2022 election! The November elections are critically important – and there’s a LOT at stake for moms and kids. So we at MomsRising are working hard to share as much relevant information as possible to help you have a...
Felicia Burnett's picture
Ready, set, VOTE! Illinois: It’s time to get ready for the upcoming November 2022 election! The November elections are critically important – and there’s a LOT at stake for moms and kids. So we at MomsRising are working hard to share as much relevant information as possible to help you have a great...
Tasmiha Khan's picture
On the radio show this week, we learn about what polling says women, moms, parents, and caregivers need to hear from candidates; hear about powerful efforts to get out the vote for the November 8th election, why voting matters, and how comedy makes a difference; learn the latest trends in democracy...
MomsRising's picture
Take Action
Two feminine-presenting silhouettes forming a heart with their hands behind a Pride flag
It’s National Coming Out Day! Coming out has been a continual process for me as a cisgendered bisexual mom. I know I’m not alone in this, because so many of my loved ones who are LGBTQ+ tell me that the experience has been similar for them. Coming out in order to live openly as someone who is LGBTQ...
Felicia Burnett's picture
A diverse group of young adults stand in front of an American flag
Earlier this week, the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals gave a temporary reprieve to current DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) recipients. This is great because DACA is a critical program that ensures people who were brought to the U.S. as children can live and work in the communities...
Donna's picture
The 2022 midterm election on Tuesday, November 8th is less than 5 weeks away. From the streets to the ballot box, moms are making our voices heard and inspiring our kids and communities. This year, help us mobilize moms to vote for the future we want to see for our loved ones and ourselves!...
MomsRising's picture
