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Woman in dark hallway holding toddler drinking from a bottle.
"I suffered from terrible postpartum depression. My doctor didn't discuss it with me and I didn't know what was happening to me." --Lois Lois is just like so many moms who struggle after giving birth. It doesn’t have to be this way. We can, and we must, do better!
Gina Arias's picture
As families are elbows-deep in navigating the childcare crisis, wiping endlessly runny noses, and trying to keep their families afloat, legislators are in Olympia putting together the state’s budget for the next 2 years. And we families have something to say about it! Budget writers are deciding...
Reshonna Booker-Reynolds's picture
We all want the same thing – a safe place for our families to live and thrive. That’s exactly what parents are looking for when they reach our border and request asylum. We all want our children to be alive and well. For some parents that means they have to trek international borders to keep themselves and their children safe from persecution and violence.
Donna's picture
Thirty years ago, the *unpaid* Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) was signed into law, and while FMLA is great if you’re covered and if you can afford unpaid leave- it’s not good enough. Three decades is far too long to wait for the promise of paid leave for every worker just like every other industrialized nation already has.
Namatie Mansaray's picture
Take Action
In 2022, North Carolina came closer than ever to expanding Medicaid and making sure that over half a million low-income , uninsured adults in our state can get health coverage. That’s right, after a decade-long stalemate, we’re making progress towards closing the coverage gap. In fact, the NC House...
Felicia Burnett's picture
On the radio show this week we cover how laughter has the power to change public policy and bring people together; hear tips from inside the Beltway on how to make your voice most effectively heard by Congress from outside the Beltway; discuss how case law and judicial elections aren’t something...
MomsRising's picture
This week’s #5Actions includes several critically important actions for you to take where your voice is urgently needed – and closes with a recap of the powerful State of the Union, when so many of our top policy priorities were lifted in President Biden’s remarks. Our top policies were highlighted...
Sue Anne Reed's picture
Coloring pages-Valentines Da
Valentine’s Day is around the corner and if valentines are on your mind, you’re not alone! We know how busy parents can be, so we’ve got some goodies for you: free printable Valentine’s Day cards and printable pages to check everyone off the list: tell teachers, early care educators and friends how bear-y special they are!
Diana Limongi's picture
The 2023 State of the Union address was proof that the powerful work we’re doing is being noticed. We nearly covered our entire 2023 BINGO card, many members of Congress proudly donned crayon pins in support of Child Care, several MomsRising members attended with their members of Congress, and Momsrising members were able to share their stories.
MomsRising's picture
A heart with a diverse group of people in the center that reads "Love Thy Neighbor. Expand Medicaid."
In 2022, North Carolina lawmakers came closer than ever to closing our state's coverage gap and providing healthcare to over half a million uninsured North Carolinians. That’s right, after years of a stalemate, we’re getting closer to Medicaid expansion and are asking for your help to ensure that...
Felicia Burnett's picture
