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One commonly noted sign of progress in the gender equality battle is that women now make up the majority--yes that is more than 50% --of college students. This is an enormous advance and reflects the hard work and dedication of generations of women: Women who have fought to be heard and taken...
Sexual harassment allegations by four women against Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain have made the problem of sexual harassment in the workplace headline news. What many people may not realize is that such harassment is a widespread problem in middle and high schools, too. During the...
Happy (almost) Thanksgiving! While we may be entering the most wonderful time of the year, holiday feasts can also make this the most toxic time of the year too. Steaming dishes full of green bean casserole, wriggling slabs of cranberry sauce, endless pies: these delicious Thanksgiving staples are...
Claire Moshenberg's picture
Got the flu? Let’s hope not. But if you do, here’s hoping your employer provides paid sick days. You need them for yourself. You also need them so you can protect your co-workers and the public from catching the flu from you. During the recent swine flu outbreak 8 million sick workers showed up on...
By Rachel Lincoln Sarnoff Executive Director/CEO, Healthy Child Healthy World I first heard the term “Generation Rx” in a speech given by Allergy Kids Foundation’s Robyn O’Brien, a long-time supporter and now board member of Healthy Child Healthy World. The idea is especially...
You can do it Massachusetts! A healthy workforce is within your reach. Here in Seattle, 40% of the workforce, over 190,000 people didn’t have access to a single day of sick leave until we passed the Seattle Paid Sick Days Ordinance this year. That meant many people had to choose between going to...
Can you meet us at the State House on Beacon and Park Streets on Wednesday at 11AM? Your voice is needed! This Wednesday, we'll be coming together in-person to let the state legislature know that Massachusetts should join Connecticut, Seattle, and Philadelphia in making sure more families have...
Monifa Bandele's picture
The day Arizona Governor Brewer signed SB 1070 was the day that I decided to leave "traditional" journalism to pursue a career as an independent journalist reporting on issues that impact the Latino community. My hopes are to tell stories that accurately portray the community and bring a balanced...
Leaders in the care of patients who face serious and life-limiting illness have designated November as National Hospice and Palliative Care Month, prompting more stories about both options. The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel gives a very good overview of palliative care and hospice in this Q&A with...
Barbara Coombs Lee's picture
As the Massachusetts Legislature considers this year’s crop of criminal justice reform bills, one that has not gotten much attention is a measure to ensure proper treatment of pregnant women in jail and prison. Improving the medical treatment and protecting the constitutional rights of these women...
Rachel Roth's picture
