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My friend’s husband did, the other day, what to me sounds like the undoable. He got up at 4:30 in the morning, ate breakfast, and then ran 26 miles non-stop. The fact that there were hundreds of others alongside him running in the NYC Marathon doesn’t make it seem any more possible in my mind. I...
Ali Smith's picture
As a transgender person, I realize how important it is to have paid sick days. If you don’t know, a transgender person is just like anyone else, but refers to people who transition from one gender to another and/or their gender expression varies from conventional expectations of how they should...
Every day, workers across the Commonwealth have to make a tradeoff between their paycheck and caring for themselves or their family. Some are fortunate to be able to stay home with pay when they or their loved ones are ill. Paid sick leave, however, is far from universal. In Massachusetts, more...
Updated 11/14/2011, 11/15/2011, 11/17/2011: We're constantly updating this blog-a-thon with new posts. Scroll down to see our latest posts, including the perspective of a small business owner. And please leave a comment; we'd love to hear your thoughts. Thanks! *** Let’s face it. Children share...
Monifa Bandele's picture
My name is Barb Kalbach, I am a fourth-generation family farmer and nurse from rural Iowa and a longtime member of Iowa Citizens for Community Improvement (CCI). Last week I called the offices of Bank of America CEO Brian Moynihan to tell him to stop financing payday lenders. I talked to a young...
In case you haven’t already heard the news, Food Day 2011 was a huge success! With over 2300 events in all 50 states, we were thrilled that so many organizers joined the movement for "real food" across the country on October 24. Mark your calendars for Food Day 2012, which will again take place on...
Mike Jacobson's picture
Can deep trauma or life-long angst heal quickly, in just a few psychotherapy sessions, or even one session? Yes, according to Patricia Coughlin, Ph.D., a proponent of Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy (ISTDP), and co-author, with David Malan, of Lives Transformed: A Revolutionary Method of...
Dora Calott Wang's picture
For over a year, we at PAN have been watching EPA’s long-overdue review of atrazine , a common herbicide that's been linked to birth defects , hormone disruption and cancer. You may have heard about this chemical - it's the one that scientists have found can turn male frogs into females at...
Kristin Schafer's picture
My third daughter had a 92% chance of never being conceived. When she was around four years old she heard a friend of mine mention our little surprise, and then asked me: “Mommy, why does she say I’m an accident?” Never wanting her to think this about herself, I stopped anyone from saying anything...
Homa Tavangar's picture
Do you have a wish for this holiday season? I do. I wish that all families can stay together. That’s why I’m participating in A Wish for the Holidays, a campaign to gather 5,000 letters from kids asking our nation’s leaders to ensure that families stay together. For me, holidays all boil down to...
Chris Harley's picture
