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Halloween is full of spooky surprises and some of these surprises are more welcomed than others. Goblins, ghosts, and little ones in costumes – we’ll take them! Toxic chemicals, like cadmium and other heavy metals in Halloween makeup and accessories – that’s a creepy surprise we’d all like to avoid...
Rebecca Meuninck's picture
[IMAGE DESCRIPTION: A graphic image with light pink flowery background and a circle in the foreground that reads, "Shopping for pink products is never going to stop breast cancer."]
By Mia Davis and Amy Lubitow We’re sure you’ve noticed: October is breast cancer awareness month. You can’t miss the deluge of pink ribbons on every store shelf, on NFL players, jewelry, cosmetics. Even the White House went pink this month . Pink ribbons are big business. At present, 1 out of 8...
(This blog is a part of the MomsRising Early Learning Halloween Campaign. Budget numbers are flying around like bats on Halloween night right now--and we need to make sure Congress understands how important early childhood education is in their budgets. Visit our Congressional-Halloween-Costume-...
(This blog is a part of the MomsRising Early Learning Halloween Campaign. Budget numbers are flying around like bats on Halloween night right now--and we need to make sure Congress understands how important early childhood education is in their budgets. Visit our Congressional-Halloween-Costume-...
Since the first Thanksgiving almost 400 years ago, Americans have spent each fall counting our blessings for the abundance produced by this continent's food and agriculture system. It is a gift that has kept on giving: We Americans today are, in general, able to consume more food, with more variety...
Senator Tom Harkin's picture
I'm a retired teacher, a mom and a grandmother of two from Iowa. Admittedly, nuclear weapons were never high on my radar. But as the national budget crisis continues and our leaders in Washington threaten funding for schools, jobs, health care, Social Security and even troops, I know I must act. I...
Congress is getting a little scary this Halloween season. In the budget debate, key programs for families, like affordable child care and preschool are on the chopping block. We've had enough with tricks! We’ve decided to make sure the voices of families are heard in the halls of Congress by...
Sarah Francis's picture
From Your (Wo)manInWashington blog MOTHERS changing the conversation @ “When we are mothers we have access to important insight, wisdom and compassion. For that reason ,we must insert ourselves into these broader conversations. And we must do so fearlessly.” I...
Valerie Young's picture
I'm so pleased to be able to share these extraordinary photos by Leslie Knott, a photojournalist stationed in Afghanistan and Field Producer of Peace Unveiled . Leslie Knott has worked as a filmmaker and photographer for the past 12 years. She has spent the past seven years focusing on stories from...
Abigail Disney's picture
My worst toxic chemical catastrophes all have to do with cleaning emergencies. Erupting late night sinks, followed by a newly filthy kitchen floor. Grocery stores that aren’t open, budgets that can’t accomodate a last minute batch of organic cleaning supplies, home emergencies at odd hours when my...
Claire Moshenberg's picture
