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Wangari Maathai, the 2004 Nobel Peace Prize winner who died a few weeks ago must have been smiling down on the 2011 Nobel Peace Prize winners, all of them mothers, and heroines for peace and justice from environments that are usually so hostile to women’s success. Like them, Wangari’s was an...
Homa Tavangar's picture
Photo is of PCSW's Executive Director (at podium) surrounded by Connecticut legislators in support of paid sick days. This year Connecticut became the very first state to mandate that employers must provide a minimum standard of paid sick days for their employees. It seems that there is a wide-...
Michelle Noehren's picture
If you peruse the latest list of Fortune 500 CEOs, it's easy to notice what they have in common: there are almost no women among them. In fact, women lead only 12 of the FORTUNE 500 companies , down from 15 the previous year. Couple that with the fact that there are only 17 female Senators , and it...
Laila Brenner's picture
When it passed, we recognized the Affordable Care Act (ACA) as the greatest advance for women’s health in a generation. This new law is already beginning to eliminate the punitive and predatory insurance practices that have penalized women and families for decades, and instead bringing us closer to...
Debra Ness's picture
Halloween is here! Well, almost. And while the kids in your life are probably thrilled about the sugary jack-o-lantern strewn bonanza that is Halloween, the parent side of Halloween planning is a bit more tricky (The phrase “How is the store out of costumes already?! HOW?!” comes to mind). Look, in...
Claire Moshenberg's picture
The explosion that took place on April 20, 2010, and the resulting 250 million gallons of oil that spilled into the Gulf continues to challenge our region. This week, the Save Our Gulf Waterkeepers released their report “ State of the Gulf: A status report from the Save Our Gulf Waterkeepers in the...
Tammy Herrington's picture
Our children go to school to learn, play and make friends. Yet PVC, the most toxic plastic for our children’s health and well-being, is everywhere in most of our schools. CHEJ developed This Vinyl School , an interactive website to raise awareness about this toxic plastic and how schools can switch...
Mike Schade's picture
Reduced income eligibility, growing child care waiting lists, and low provider payment rates. This characterizes the latest trends in state child care programs according to the National Women's Law Center’s annual report tracking these and other vital child care assistance policies. In most states...
Hannah Matthews's picture
By Ashley On October 1, 2011, I sat on the bathroom floor of the LSAT test center pumping milk for my 5 month old son. I felt dirty, embarrassed, stressed, and alone. Things no one should feel as they are in the midst of taking one of the most important exams of their life. An exam that is key to...
ACLU's picture
Child care providers—and the moms and dads who depend on us to help educate and safely care for their children while they are working—were dealt a crushing blow by Governor Brown this week when he vetoed AB 101. California’s child care system is broken and drowning in a sea of red tape- 5,700...
