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Your workday may be difficult or carefree, happy or less so, busy or boring. No matter how your day at the office is going (and I hope it's going well), the one thing it shouldn't be is toxic. Offices and workday rituals can contain the same toxic chemicals that show up in our homes. Try these five...
Claire Moshenberg's picture
Gini Reticker, an Academy Award nominated Producer and Emmy-winning Director, is one of the creators of Women, War & Peace . She is the Director of Pray the Devil Back to Hell, winner of Tribeca’s Best Documentary 2008. Below she reflects on the power of storytelling and the role of women in...
While the media has painted, rightfully so or not, that the Wall Street protestors are just a bunch of hippies, radicals and druggies, I believe that the discontentment they are expressing is valid and widespread. As a father and a filmmaker, I’d like to see a more representative face put on this...
Sunday was World Food Day , and while hunger endangers the lives of too many around the world, for many parents, our daily food challenge might be more on the order of just getting our little ones to eat their broccoli. I’ve found some simple strategies that help raise awareness about the world...
Homa Tavangar's picture
Cross-posted from . An apple a day and eating your peas led to good health, we once thought. Now, according to major food manufacturers, fruits and vegetables are “ job killers ” that will devastate the American economy. Photo credit: James Vaughan (via Flickr). In April of this...
Donald Cohen's picture
Cross-posted from New Deal 2.0 . When the second Google hit (after Wikipedia) for "corporate cronyism" links to a speech by Sarah Palin, you know why progressives need Occupy Wall Street. Occupy Wall Street's power lies in the "We are the 99%" theme. The poignant and evocative stories on the Tumblr...
Joan C. Williams's picture
I do not understand deliberate cruelty. I understand it exists. I understand that those who practice it can often justify it as excusable and even noble. But cruelty to a child? This is beyond all understanding.
Lily Eskelsen's picture
Right now in Denver, Colorado, there is both a jobs and public health crisis. Parents are sending their sick children to school. Working adults are unable to take time off and care for elderly parents. Small businesses and taxpayers are spending too much on emergency care. And in restaurants and...
This year, we have achieved significant victories in our work to ensure more working people have the right to earn paid sick days. From Seattle to Connecticut, paid sick days standards have gained support and momentum. Now, one state and three cities guarantee workers this basic right. This...
National Partnership for Women and Families's picture
The strength of motherhood has struck me whenever I’ve encountered the stories of young people being threatened with deportation to countries they no longer know - their mothers and the mothers in their communities are among the most powerful advocates in keeping families together. Several years...
Jill Garvey's picture
