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HUD’s Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity and the Office of Healthy Homes and Lead Hazard Control will soon issue an updated notice dealing with the nexus of lead-based paint and familial status discrimination, and I’d like to take this opportunity to highlight these often connected issues...
From Your (Wo)manInWashington blog MOTHERS changing the conversation @ Kelly Coyle DiNorcia uses her degrees in neuroscience and education to out-maneuver two small children, care for an astonishing variety of animals, and run an ice hockey organization with...
Valerie Young's picture
Parents are accompanying their children to public protests taking place around the nation. Children are welcome there. Oh were it so in every area of public life. Children are welcomed as important members of the community with child safe zones, play areas, and in one case, even a stroller brigade...
Raise your hand if you believe that your kids need time and space to play outdoors! Here's the sad truth: There is a Play Deficit in our country, and it’s harming our children. Too many families don't have a playground within walking distance of their home. Paranoia is trumping common sense,...
My five-year-old daughter started kindergarten ten weeks ago. She is excited, happy, and reasonably well-adjusted to life at our neighborhood public school. Yet, she recently confided in me that she “pretends not to look” at the third grade classroom door of a student who has teased her on the...
Noreen Farrell's picture
We parents give a lot of orders. "Put your pajamas away. Clear the table, please. Don't pull the cat's tail!" But in her new book, Raising Elijah: Protecting Our Children in an Age of Environmental Crisis, it's Sandra Steingraber who gives the orders - to us parents. But she has just one, albeit a...
Lisa Frack's picture
Before the birth of my first child, my husband and I did ALL the research. We read books on pregnancy, fetal development and the birth process. The desire to bring our child into the safest world we could create for him was really the driving force behind these preparations. We searched for...
By Ariela Migdal, Senior Staff Attorney, ACLU Women’s Rights Project According to a new study , sexual harassment, including unwanted sexual touching and sexual coercion as well as milder behaviors, is a regular feature of going to school for a significant number of American middle- and high-school...
ACLU's picture
Surprise: It’s November! Do you have your holiday travel plans together yet (spoiler alert: I don’t either). As you figure those out, here are a few quick and easy tips to make your travel experiences a little greener this holiday season. Pack lightly: Packing less is easy when you plan ahead, and...
Claire Moshenberg's picture
The Food Revolution School Lunch Photo Wall has just a few weeks left before submissions and ratings close on November 28th. So far, there’s been over 25,000 votes and over 200,000 of you have visited the photo wall . Not only have lunch photos been uploaded from all across the US, but from other...
Jamie Oliver's picture
