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by Julie Vogtman , Senior Counsel, National Women's Law Center The Census Bureau just released new data on poverty in the U.S. in 2010. Though 2010 marked the first full year of the recovery that began when the recession officially ended in June 2009, the number of Americans living in poverty...
Thao Nguyen's picture
Over 90% of Americans have detectable levels of bisphenol-A in their bodies, which makes BPA one of the most pervasive toxic chemicals in our modern lives . Scary stuff, considering that studies link BPA exposure to breast cancer, infertility, early onset puberty, ADHD, and obesity . You can reduce...
Claire Moshenberg's picture
On the list of paradoxes, not many beat flying around the world to give talks about climate change. I can justify my carbon footprint if I have to--with myself as the main moving part, we've managed to build into the first big global climate campaign, organizing what CNN has called the "...
For the second session in a row, the California Legislature has unanimously passed a bill to prohibit the shackling of pregnant incarcerated women. However, uncertainty remains over whether the governor will sign the bill. Last time, Republican Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger vetoed the bill,...
Rachel Roth's picture
My husband Gus and I have been lucky. I'm 36---and therefore considered an "elderly primigravida" on my charts at my doctor's office (that's "pregnant old-timer and first-timer" in layman's terms). I've had a healthy pregnancy---so far---and we avoided the nightmarish saga of infertility that many...
When I was a restaurant critic, I always noticed that our great restaurants and chefs treated their wait staff as if they were family – and most of them do today. But I have been out to dinner when I have been served by wonderful women who just could not take the night off even though they were...
The age difference between my oldest child and youngest is ten years. The daughter who was in third grade on September 11, 2001 started her first year of college last week, and the “baby” is now at the same school, sitting in the exact same elementary classroom as her big sister did on 9/11/01. I...
Homa Tavangar's picture
In the midst of all the Washington noise over debt ceilings and deficits, federal budgets, and continuing resolutions, it’s hard for people to believe that their voice makes a difference. As the Director of the White House Office of Public Engagement , I’m here to tell you that it does - and that...
Backpack? (Check!) Number 2 pencils? (Check!) Crayons and Kleenex? (Check!) It’s back-to-school time and with it comes the always fun school supply shopping trip! Over the next few weeks many of us will find ourselves crowded into the aisles of our local stores, looking for the best deals on...
BethM's picture
09/08/11 and flooded Ohio Governor’s Office with Hundreds of Calls Demanding a Pardon, the nation’s largest online African-American political organization, today applauded Ohio Governor John Kasich’s decision to grant Kelley Williams-Bolar executive clemency,...
Dani McClain's picture
