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Here at the National Women’s Law Center we are trying to identify instances where this practice may have occurred. What happens when women with pregnancy complications go to the emergency room for treatment? If you or someone you know has experienced a delay or denial of treatment, we want to know. Help us bring this hidden issue out from the shadows: share your story with us.
Low on cleaning supplies, and short on time, I dashed into the super market the other day hoping to stock up on a few scrubs and sprays. If only it were that simple. After sifting through an alphabet soup of toxic chemicals and reading encyclopedic amounts of text just to get a sink cleaner, I came...
Claire Moshenberg's picture
After the death of her daughter, Wanda Hopkins was forced to take out a payday loan to cover some of the funeral costs and bills that were left when her daughter passed away. It took her 7 years to repay that initial $300 loan which set her on a financial spiral that has been nearly impossible to...
And all of us, whether in a union or not, should care about what’s happening in Wisconsin. In fact, maybe it’s more important for those who don’t have a union. The ability of modestly paid people to collectively bargain something better has helped build the great middle class of our great country, even among non-union members.
Lily Eskelsen's picture
Perhaps some of the lawmakers who support legislation to pauperize their middle-class constituents have good intentions. Maybe they really do believe that cutting government workers' pay or busting unions or cutting funds for education will result in a stronger economy. But it’s hard to see how anyone can justify returning to the days when children as young as 5 worked long hours in atrocious conditions, when the vast majority of children had no schooling, when child miners were kicked by foremen and when children lost their fingers, their limbs and their lives in dangerous factories.
There is a convergence of politicians, activists, venture capitalists and even movie-makers, looking for a slick, simple storyline as to why, in neighborhoods with growing crime, unemployment, drug use and incarceration rates, students are failing and dropping out. Their answer: Those kids must have bad teachers.
Lily Eskelsen's picture
...without Congressional action this year, these stamps and the research they support will be in jeopardy.
This is excerpted from a longer blog post at Corporate Voices . For the last 15 years, the Sloan Foundation has invested $120 million in more than 350 projects focused on work/life issues. And that investment paid dividends in elevating visibility of workplace flexibility issues--all the way to the...
Kyra Cavanaugh's picture
Something doesn't add up. These days you hear a lot of members of Congress saying, "Governments need to budget like families do." I couldn't agree more. Every family I know budgets by putting the health, safety, and future of their children first. But what gets me is that some of the same members...
Donna's picture
Food marketers have long had a special knack for euphemism. (If you didn’t believe me I’d offer you a Rocky Mountain oyster.) But even as someone who has watched the food industry closely for 40 years, sometimes even I can get taken by surprise. One such case is an innocent-sounding ingredient that...
Mike Jacobson's picture
