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cross-posted to http://womenmakenewscom If quality mothering promotes the healthy development of children, maybe doubling the mothering yields a better result. You might well think so, if you heard the recent news story about a study of lesbian parents. The research got a lot of play, with a...
Amy Cross's picture
I knew what was coming. I knew from the pre-show questions the producer asked me off camera how “balanced” the Friends would be. Q. Wouldn’t you say that the key to reform is to fire bad teachers, which is now impossible? A. Well, I’m so glad you asked the question because a lot of people out there...
Lily Eskelsen's picture
Heroes The rock star draw of Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS), Admiral Michael Mullen was the most surprising element of my night at the Families and Work Institute’s (FWI) 2010 Work Life Legacy Awards on Monday. The room’s excitement at his presence was palpable and energizing. Who says...
SAN FRANCISCO – Over Memorial Day weekend, I participated in a blog carnival here at MomsRising on Arizona’s new immigration enforcement law and the fallout of immigration policies that break up families. In one of the stories’ threads, I engaged in a conversation with a woman named "Carla," who...
Elisa Batista's picture
As the first-time mother of an 8-month-old, I’m often concerned with making the world better for my daughter as she grows up. But every day, I also realize that I’m not in this struggle alone. Not only are there millions of moms out there trying to figure out how to balance work, a personal life,...
In homes across America, fathers are launching a quiet revolution. Catalyzed by the women’s movement, an enormous demographic shift in higher education (women now earn 57% of college degrees), and a brutal recession in which men experienced more than 70% of the 8 million job losses in the US...
The American Medical Association takes a stand against shackling women in labor
Rachel Roth's picture
Studies show today’s fathers are doing significantly more child care and housework than their fathers did. Here’s my question: Are these dads just folding more laundry, or are they also taking responsibility for the complicated logistics of family life? And here’s my other question: Do heterosexual...
Katrina Alcorn's picture
Yes, you read that correctly. A couple of weeks before my bar mitzvah, my parents and I went to our rabbi’s home to discuss the big day. One of the honors for the bar mitzvah boy is that members of his family can get called up to read certain prayers during the service, so we gave him our list of...
We’re moms and dads. We know firsthand how fast the flu travels through our workplaces, schools, and child care centers. We’ve been up at 3 am half-focused on caring for a sick child and half-focused on the related “what ifs?” What if I send her to school sick? Will she get worse, or get others...
Ruth Martin's picture
