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Soccer is the world’s game and can connect us with a world community. Given the dominance of the sport in so many American communities, it's likely you are or have been, a soccer mom. For one month every four years it culminates in the World Cup, this June 11-July 11 - when we're all soccer parents...
Homa Tavangar's picture
There are two pictures from my childhood that I think of often, the classic kind that live for years on family refrigerators and mantels. One shows a little boy and I, very young and impossibly blond, too concentrated on our game to notice the snap of an aunt's camera from across the room. Then one...
Claire Moshenberg's picture
From Your (Wo)manInWashington blog MOTHERS changing the conversation @ Your (Wo)Man in Washington welcomes guest blogger Amy Peake, a mother, lawyer, and writer. She has graciously allowed me to crosspost an opinion piece of hers that recently appeared in The...
Valerie Young's picture
Personally, I fancy a skirt on warm June days (though we're far from that these days, in Seattle). But where would moms be without that one pair of perfect jeans? You know what I'm talking about. The jeans you wear at least three days a week? The "from playground to casual dinner" jeans? Wearing...
Because it is an unconstitutional and costly measure which jeopardizes the public safety of everyone in the state, even those who are just visiting. It violates the civil rights of all Arizonans, regardless of their immigration status. Instead of promoting effective and fair approaches to...
My little girl is barely 10-months and I just love to watch her eat a strawberry, leaving her little face and fingers red and sticky! But I only give her organic strawberries, and for good reason. At 10-months, her little brain and body are developing at a fast rate and residues of chemicals found...
From Your (Wo)manInWashington blog MOTHERS changing the conversation @ There are many different reasons women and mothers get the short end of the stick in our social order, but a major factor has to be how part-time work is structured in this country. This is...
Valerie Young's picture
A recent article on The Bump highlighted the 10 Biggest New Mom Surprises (and How to Deal) . Amidst noisy poop and bad breastfeeding experiences they mentioned this nugget: "Going back to work is hard." This is one of the top 10 surprises? Really? I have not yet met a single mom who is thinking...
Sharon Meers's picture
Less than two weeks ago, the New York Times reported that more and more moms are losing their jobs and turning to welfare for one shocking reason: They simply can't afford to work. Can't afford to work?! How could that be? Well, it turns out that too often the high cost of childcare is more than...
Sarah Francis's picture
This week on KZSU ’s talk show—“What Would Your Mother Say” a show that talks candidly about campus life at Stanford with young adults and mothers – we talked to two different authors (former Stanford grads) with conflicting opinions on how to pick your life partner. Lori Gottlieb , author of Marry...
Sharon Meers's picture
