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cross-posted to Women Make News Who can persuade you than your kids? Pleeease, mom…… What makes you change more than thoughts of your kids’ wellbeing? Swapping a balcony for a yard, buckling up for short trips, tossing a drawerful of sippy cups laced with BPA? Drawing on this instinct to please our...
Amy Cross's picture
Take a look at this op-ed about Human Rights Watch's Webby-nominated online video, with a reference to the fantastic "Mother of the Year Award" video. Check out the Human Rights Watch video, and if you like it, please vote for it to win the Webby Award!
Janet Walsh's picture
After way too many food recalls and contamination scares in everything from peanut butter to spinach, Congress is taking action. The U.S. Senate is about to consider a critical food safety bill that would ramp up protections against food contaminants like E.coli and salmonella. This is already an...
Ariana Kelly's picture
Toxic chemicals designed to cause neurological damage are being pumped into our children’s environment and food, as parents and teachers struggle to help vast numbers of children with growing rates of neurodevelopmental and learning disabilities. A prime example is the pesticide “chlorpyrifos.” It...
Today is National Healthy Schools Day. A day to learn, discuss, and implement healthier and safer practices in our nation’s school. Eliminating toxic chemicals and taking on more environmentally friendly standards isn’t always simple, but there are several ways to get started. Here are three. (1)...
Renee Blanchard's picture
A woman I know named Marie is a mother and grandmother with a very large extended family that depends on her. She first walked through the door of a payday loan shop for a little extra money to help her children and grandchildren just last year. Not too long after, she found herself with five...
The other day, my husband apologized profusely for being unable to take the kids to swim class. "I can do it twice next week," he offered. I assured him it wasn't necessary, that it all evens out at the end...wait a minute. As you all know, driving the kids around to various activities is, in...
Elisa Batista's picture
Women's power has hit a new high - or a new low, depending on your view of global politics. Recently, a conservative Iranian cleric pronounced that women's immodest clothing choices spur adultery and therefore increase the risk of devastating earthquakes. I didn't pay much attention to this...
Homa Tavangar's picture
Some things are wrong. Some things are heinous. And then there is Wellpoint. Yesterday, Reuters released an article about Wellpoint’s profit making practice of targeting women with breast cancer. Reducing the lives and well-being of women to a math problem, one of the insurance companies with the...
Thao Nguyen's picture
Happy Earth Day all! Speaking of which, this info is just in from Denis Hayes, the international chair of Earth Day 2010 (and national coordinator for the very first Earth Day in 1970). Sounds like a great event...with terrific music ~Kristin Rowe-Finkbeiner by Denis Hayes Earth Day Network is...
