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In Episode 305 of Mad Men, Peggy Olson shows up at Don Draper’s office with a serious matter to discuss. She sits down across from him, folds her hands, and begins: She’s thankful for her meteoric rise at Sterling Cooper, and for Don Draper’s hand in it as her boss cum mentor. But her success is...
Claire Moshenberg's picture
I'm frustrated by Equal Pay Day. Yes, I think it's important to point out that the wage gap between men and women still exists, and that a significant chunk of it is unexplained - likely sex discrimination. Yes, I think using a day in April to symbolize how far into 2010 a woman has to work to...
Kristin Maschka's picture
When you’re a mom and your child gets seriously ill, it breaks your heart. It makes you mad when you learn that more could have been done to prevent your child’s illness. It makes you determined that no one’s child should be put at risk unnecessarily when provided a basic need for survival – food...
Leigh Ann Winnard's picture
This year, a number of changes are planned by the Obama Administration, the Department of Education, the National Governors Association, the Council of Chief State School Officers and others to address the achievement gap in the United States , a gap that begins before children even enter school...
We know cancer affects men and women of every race, ethnicity and class. But in the United States, cancer disproportionately affects the poor and racial and ethnic minorities. For example, cancer is the leading cause of death among Asian-American women in the United States and breast cancer is the...
From Your (Wo)manInWashington blog MOTHERS changing the conversation @ Equal Pay Day is just around the corner, so it's a good time to take stock once again of how women's earnings compare with those of men. Your (Wo)Man in Washington has buried her nose in so...
Valerie Young's picture
“Thousands of public schools stopped teaching foreign languages in the last decade, according to a government-financed survey — dismal news for a nation that needs more linguists to conduct its global business and diplomacy.” So starts a recent NY Times piece. It goes on to say only Chinese...
Homa Tavangar's picture
There's a new way to help moms in need while doing your spring cleaning this year. A new grassroots project called Swap for Good has recently launched, with the goal of getting women around the country to host clothing swaps this spring, and collect donations at the door to raise critical funds for...
Since this month's publication of my paper " The Burden of Suboptimal Breastfeeding in the United States " in Pediatrics with Arnold Reinhold, I'm often asked by reporters what the US can do better to improve our breastfeeding rates. I've also gotten quite a few comments asking if this research...
Melissa Bartick's picture
National Pay Equity Day is right around the corner! This year it will be held on April 20, 2010. The date is symbolic of how long women must work into the next year to earn what men made in 2009. It seems unbelievable that in 2010 women, generally, only earn 77 cents for every dollar a man earns. A...
Michelle Noehren's picture
