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Every day across the country, parents and consumers rely on products containing hundreds of chemicals. They assume the government has done its job and that these products are safe for their intended use.
Congresswoman Hilda Solis's picture
When it was time to travel to China to bring home our little PunditBaby , I was working at a large government agency in a pretty senior position.
PunditMom's picture
Dear CA member, Paperwork a new hazard to California's children? Unfortunately, it could be. In an effort to cut the budget, legislators are considering a truly twisted tactic right now: Cutting eligible kids off healthcare coverage by increasing red tape. The result -- more than 471,000 children could lose their health insurance.[1]
Donna's picture
DECISIONS ABOUT CHILDREN’S HEALTH BEING MADE NOW: The most critical California state budget item for children’s health may be decided as early as this Thursday.
Today, the U.S. House of Representatives got us one step closer to paid family leave for every working family in the country.
Happy Father's Day! What is the greatest gift a father can receive? Mothers! Both their own mom and the mother of their children! Then there is mother Earth. MomsRising, for me, is about taking care of all mothers, not just our own, but all moms in all countries, and our planet as well.
Several weeks ago, the Senate failed to pass the Fair Pay Act, a piece of legislation that would have the power to decrease the wage gap in the U.S. between men and women. Senator John McCain failed to show up for the vote.
Tami Winfrey Harris is editor of The Anti Racist Parent blog , a blog for parents committed to raising children with an anti-racist outlook. This blog is cross posted from their Tuesday "Ask ARP" feature. ASK ARP: Is My Wife Making Too Much of Our Adopted Child's Race?
It was an amazing experience to deliver member messages along with compasses telling legislators to get back on track to covering all kids! Our fabulous group of moms and kids reminded me again of the power of personal stories. One of the Assembly’s health policy experts was even moved to tears by the personal story of one of the moms delivering the Compass-o-Grams.
Donna's picture
