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There are 2 important election tasks on busy moms' to-do lists this week - check them off! 1) Voter registration deadlines to mail-in your form are coming up in the next few days for 31 states, and 2) Lots of moms are signing up to vote absentee or early and avoid election day lines!
Sometimes our kids know more than we do. Children know that if they keep asking their parents the same question, over and over, they might just get the answer they are looking for.
Nanette Fondas's picture
We’re on the edge of our seats for the vice presidential debate tomorrow night. Join us in tallying who’s better for moms on the issues: Biden or Palin? Get your Debate Bingo Issue Tally card for Thursday night, October 2nd here:
Kristin's picture
After watching the Vice Presidential debate, tell us how the candidates scored on your MomsRising Debate Bingo card! (Don't have a Bingo card yet? Get yours by clicking here.) What scores did you get? Let's hear how the candidates did on family-friendly issues. We'll be sharing scores with the media and candidates as well.
Kristin's picture
I am consulting for an environmental organization in Oakland called Green For All . I am helping the group spread the word on a new book by Green For All’s founder and president Van Jones.
Elisa Batista's picture
I was driving a friend and his daughter home after a playdate with my son and the conversation drifted to kindergarten and the utter panic this dad experienced at the parent orientation meeting he'd gone to a short time back.
WORK$MART: Pay Negotiation for Women (Two-Part Series) Did you know that men are four times more likely to initiate salary negotiations than women? And that a worker stands to lose more than $500,000 by age 60 if she fails to negotiate her first salary?
Governor Sarah Palin has been bad news for those fighting for better work/family balance on two counts. She has unleashed a torrent of criticism, even from progressives, that amounts to old-fashioned sexist discrimination.
Phoebe Taubman's picture
NEWS RELEASE: For press contact see Governor Sarah Palin’s Office Refuses to Accept Letter from America’s Moms Attempts to Deliver Letter Asking Governor’s Positions on Family-Friendly Issues See pictures of the attempted delivery here
Katie Bethell's picture
After months of stalemate, a state budget is finally in place. Penny-wise and pound-foolish, the significant cuts to children's health care in the 2008-09 budget will reverse a decade of progress in covering our state's children and cause much costlier problems down the road.
