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[IMAGE DESCRIPTION: A graphic image describing a paid leave option covered in the Families First Coronavirus Act.]
Congress passed, and the President has signed, the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA), which is effective from April 1, 2020 to December 31, 2020. Congress also passed and the President signed the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act, which is generally effective on March 27, 2020. The CARES Act amended FFCRA with respect to some sick time provisions and also provides expanded unemployment insurance benefits. Below are responses to some Frequently Asked Questions by workers about the new laws as they pertain to paid sick time. You can read A Better Balance’s statement about the passage of FFCRA and how we are fighting for additional protections, here.
A Better Balance's picture
[IMAGE DESCRIPTION: A graphic image about the Families First Coronavirus Response Act.]
This is part 2 of 2 posts sharing A Better Balance's FAQ on the Families First Coronavirus Response Act.
A Better Balance's picture
[IMAGE DESCRIPTION: A photo of a family of three people smiling at the camera.]
With everything going on right now, it's great to have some good news to celebrate. Today, Governor Inslee signed SB 5473 into law, a bill that will examine the barriers that family caregivers experience when trying to access unemployment insurance. There is no way to overstate this: Washington...
Maggie Humphreys's picture
If Octavia Butler a cutting edge Black female science fiction writer, were alive today, what would she say ? In her stories there were always female protagonists, she wrote herself into the story and took us with her. We are the earth loving sheros, the shape shifting elders, the isolated but...
Sunshine Muse's picture
When I heard a COVID-19 made homeschooler “pooh-pooh” the merits of educational play, I realized that we need to reassess the definition of play and build homeschooling programs, be they temporary or long-term that incorporate play as a means of achieving more effective learning.
Lisa Quattlebaum's picture
There are many baffling behaviors of teens. For many parents of teens the behavior they could slightly tolerate is now exacerbated by the quarantine. Watch Lina Acosta Sandaal, child development expert and psychotherapist and Cristy Clavijo-Kish, mom of twin teens, explain the behavior and how to...
Lina Acosta Sandaal's picture
When a crisis like coronavirus (COVID-19) erupts, it puts a further strain on ongoing public health and social issues. As the Guttmacher Institute points out “the specific risk to pregnant women and their infants is not yet clear, but these groups are often particularly vulnerable to infectious...
Tasmiha Khan's picture
Screenshot of Washington Post Corona Simulator
After screaming into the void about the desperate need for massive testing and rapid social isolation , we are now living that quarantine life. Like many parents I am trying not to terrify my child (and myself), but unlike many parents I will not sugarcoat things. Especially after spending decades...
ruby's picture
text asking reader to contact legislators
I’ll get right to the point: We have an emergency. The U.S. House and Senate will be voting soon, in a matter of hours, on the next COVID-19 package, and we need them to know we need *permanent* paid sick days and paid family and medical leave in the package. → Tell your members of Congress in the...
Karen Showalter's picture
As a mom of two teens who is worried about the health of my parents and the well-being of my children, I struggle to wrap my head around this pandemic. I see how the COVID-19 epidemic is increasing the stress and exacerbating the challenges that many of our families were already dealing with before...
Jessica Burroughs's picture
