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Reading has many benefits for people of all ages and the benefits start at a very young age! As parents, we are our children’s first teachers and by reading with our kids from an early age we can nurture their social-emotional skills by using books and stories to discuss how to understand, express...
Diana Limongi's picture
Lucianna Borrego is a grocery deli cashier in California who was thrilled to be expecting a baby boy. Several months into her pregnancy, she told her bosses that she needed to avoid lifting more than 10 pounds - a routine accommodation made to workers who had suffered an injury. But while she had...
Xochitl Oseguera's picture
Late last month I was joined by a number of NC MomsRising members to stand up for breastfeeding rights in our state by hand-delivering the over 500 signatures and comments from our members across the state to the NC Administrative Office of the Courts. Why the delivery? Well, unfortunately,...
Tina Sherman's picture
What toddler isn’t a picky eater? One day she loves broccoli and the next, it’s all over the floor. It is downright hard to find food that your child will try, let alone eat. As mothers, I’m sure that most of us have been concerned at one point or another that our child is either eating nothing or...
Sally Mancini's picture
I’ve been leading women’s retreats for 25 years and every single time I’m humbled and amazed by how much I learn and am reminded of by the beautiful women who show up in our circle. (Read why I lead retreats. ) This past weekend I was at Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health —one of my favorite...
Renee Trudeau's picture
Modernize workplace policies to boost families and the economy: MomsRising urges the administration and Congress to prioritize the following policies to improve families’ economic security and the boost the economy. *Priority policies include: Equal Pay, Paid Family/Medical Leave, Childcare,...
Kristin's picture
On this radio show we talk about what’s at stake in the elections, hear about sexism on the campaign trail and women leaders who are in the political pipeline, get inspired by an 8th-grade writing marvel, and learn how to get engaged in #MomsVote. *Special guests include: Asha Bandele, Drug Policy...
Kristin's picture
I thought I could handle the stress, anxiety and depression I was battling all by myself after we got news of another deployment. I was wrong and after crisis I learned to reach out for help. Here's my story.
Jennifer Novak's picture
President Obama’s historic visit to Hiroshima this week offers an opportunity to take a clear-eyed look back to the first and only time nuclear weapons have been used in war. Germany had surrendered on May 8, 1945. Japan refused to surrender and continued to wage the Pacific War. President Harry S. Truman faced a decision on whether or not to drop the world’s first atomic bomb in Japan.
Marian Wright Edelman's picture
The school year is in full swing, the holidays are already upon us, and life is busy busy busy. Check out some handy tips, resources and inspiration around a healthy Halloween, schools and more! As always please read and share, and join us on the Facebook group to keep the conversation going. 1...
Karen Showalter's picture
