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The following is a guest post from a favorite mom of mine with some great news - Mary Anne Hitt, Director of the Sierra Club Beyond Coal Campaign: Are you one of the over 800,000 people who submitted a comment to the Environmental Protection Agency supporting proposed mercury pollution protections...
Parents can always use extra hands--and while we can't give you extra hands, we can help you out. This holiday season we're doing a limited run of MomsRising tote bags as a gift for our holiday donors: Any donation of $35 or more will be mailed a gift of a free tote bag of your choice to help carry...
Kristin's picture
The holiday season is in full swing, and for much of the country, winter coats and mittens are here to stay for the next few months. But even though it's felt like winter for a while, today is the official last day of Fall. Lets celebrate the end of the season by taking a look back at all of this...
Claire Moshenberg's picture
Another smart post from our friends at Role/Reboot . -Eds. I’m on the board of a small, parenting-related nonprofit organization, a board comprised of smart, thoughtful women who are mostly mothers of small children (and one dad, though our father pool is growing). In addition to our full-time...
Misty McLaughlin's picture
Of course you don't serve your kids Twinkies or Chips Ahoy! cookies for breakfast. But many of us are serving our kids just as much - or more - sugar every day in the good ol' American cereal bowl. How much? See how bad it really is in Environmental Working Group's new report, Sugar in Children's...
Lisa Frack's picture
by Rachel Lincoln Sarnoff Executive Director/CEO Healthy Child Healthy World Have you checked your toy list twice? Wait, let me rephrase that: Have you checked the list of what’s in your toys twice? I just discovered the toy database at , which ranks more than...
Overmedication of America’s children is a real and growing problem. The rate at which powerful antipsychotic drugs are being administered to kids has increased by an alarming 500% over the last 15 years, and there is not enough research to understand all the physical and behavioral consequences for...
Shadi Houshyar's picture
I am a member of Consumers Union's Safe Patient Project. Why? My son died from poor medical care when he was just 11 days old. There were many lapses in my son's medical care. Now, I work for safe care to reach the newborn bedside. Holding James After all, the infant mortality rate is a common...
Mary E. Mannix's picture
The holidays can be like candy canes-they're sticky, they're sweet, with a whole lot of little surprises. But worrying about the ingredients in candy canes is the last thing any parent wants to have to think about at this time of year. Yet with the growing number of children with diabetes, obesity...
Robyn OBrien's picture
I used to catch every cold that came into town. Office colds? Check. Office colds from my boyfriend’s office? Colds from family/friends/strangers schools/offices/jousting tournaments? Check, check, check. My winters were a series of tissue boxes, cough syrups, and congested mutterings that could be...
Claire Moshenberg's picture
