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Take Action!
We've all been there. You put together your resume and cover letter to apply for a job. You're not sure how much it pays -- because they didn't share that information -- but you go ahead. You get an interview and things go well. When you ask about the pay range for the position the response you get...
Maggie Humphreys's picture
With Congress refusing to enact some of his harshest proposals against people with low incomes, President Trump has relentlessly pursued alternative methods to harm families struggling to make ends meet. For more than two years, the Trump Administration has tried to use regulations and waivers as a...
Madison Hardee's picture
Pregnancy-related mortality and morbidity rates are on the rise in this country. Each year, 700 to 900 women die from pregnancy or childbirth-related causes in the U.S., and approximately 65,000 experience serious complications. For Black women, the statistics are even worse. Regardless of...
Alexis Anderson's picture
On the #RisersRadioShow this week we cover the shutdown, the re-opening, and the power of older women; we also cover the introduction of the Paycheck Fairness Act and FAMILY Act in Congress (Yay!); and we close the show covering how to help prevent Muslim youth from being bullied in our communities...
Amber Dorsey's picture
Single father explains hardships caused by shutdown
The Food Bank of Contra Costa and Solano is relieved congressional leaders and the administration reached a deal last week to temporarily re-open the federal government. However, we remain deeply concerned about the lasting impact this shutdown will have for federal workers and contractors, food...
Lisa Sherrill's picture
A while ago, a teacher from my 5-year-old son’s Saturday Chinese School gave out candy rewards. My husband and I felt uncomfortable about this. We have opinions about candy. I don’t eat candy. I don’t spend my grocery money on candies. With that being said, there is no candy under my roof. When my...
To-wen Tseng's picture
We’re coming together to protect all families during the #SOTU on Tuesday & we need your voice! Join us (@MomsRising) for the #StateofOURUnion and pledge to UNITE against hate, misogyny, sexual violence, racism, and all forms of discrimination. We’re not going to let Trump be the only voice...
Amber Dorsey's picture
[IMAGE DESCRIPTION: A group of people gather around a table, writing postcards.]
Sometimes advocacy is about getting together. And so, we gathered over tea and coffee at our local café-bookstore to dedicate our postcard writing to an issue that tugs at all our hearts, the cruel separation of families and treatment of asylum seekers. Piles of colorful postcards provided by...
Regan Lamphier's picture
Happy Friday! We hope that everyone affected by the extreme winter temperatures is safe and warm. And we look forward to learning all of the new games you've had to invent to keep the kids entertained, after so many days of cancelled school! Below please find our latest list of top actions for the...
Karen Showalter's picture
Across the nation and here in North Carolina, health care is consistently at the top of the list when it comes to issues voters care about. Regardless of political party, religion, or race/ethnicity, our families have a common desire to lead healthy lives, which starts with quality health insurance...
Felicia Burnett's picture
