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The historic 2017 Women’s March inspired hundreds of women to run for office and millions of women to support them in winning. In November 2018, the #WomensWave swept into office record numbers of women and people of color! We are not done exerting our power. Now in 2019, it’s time to march again...
Kristin's picture
Happy New Year! We hope you had some time to relax and rejuvenate over the past weeks. Before we jump right into our first list of top actions of 2019, let's pause for a moment to celebrate our powerful newly sworn-in 116th Congress, the most diverse in history. Among the firsts and mosts: the most...
Karen Showalter's picture
Complete streets policies make communities and neighborhoods more livable by ensuring people can safely get where they need – to work, school, the library, grocery store, restaurants and shopping destinations. The good news is that 30 states and Washington, D.C. have adopted complete streets policies; however, only 17 of those have policies that go deeper with clear requirements for action. Thankfully, organizations across the country are working to resolve this issue. Read below to learn more about the recent successes in Milwaukee and other complete streets campaigns...
Stephanie Vaughn's picture
Woot! This week we are celebrating the historic swearing in of more women and people of color than ever to the 116th Congress!! We are on a roll! Who we elect has an impact on our lives, our community, and our country. So you know what’s next on our to do list? (Aside from ending the President’s...
Donna's picture
As we begin the New Year, every new headline reminds us that these are very tumultuous times. I start this season redoubling my determination to focus all my energies towards helping build a transforming movement for children to end child poverty and inequality at this extremely dangerous time of...
Marian Wright Edelman's picture
Op-Ed from The Olympian
This Op-Ed was originally published in The Olympian on JANUARY 03, 2019 As a mom with three special-needs kids who also has been a family caregiver, I know first hand how challenging it can be to take care of your loved ones when they need it most. And like many people my age, I am part of the...
Adriana Hutchings's picture
News You Can Use!
We’re writing with a BIG announcement for the New Year: Washington State is expecting...Paid Family and Medical Leave! You might qualify for up to 16 weeks of paid time off from work beginning in 2020! And you can help your friends, family, and neighbors benefit too. Check out MomsRising’s BRAND...
Casey Osborn-Hinman's picture
News You Can Use!
In 2020, Washington workers will be eligible for up to 16 weeks of paid family and medical leave. To learn more about the program, visit here . As we get clarifying questions from members, we will occassionally post answers to the blog in addition to responding in the comments. Below is a question...
Maggie Humphreys's picture
Take Action!
Anyone else needing an extra cup of coffee, and feeling a bit sluggish as we head back to work today? The back to work + school + childcare grind is a struggle working families in California know all too well. Whether it’s finding access to high-quality preschool, or finding a childcare slot for a...
Donna Hoffman Cullinan's picture
MATERNAL JUSTICE Kira Johnson, pictured above with her husband and son, needlessly lost her life to medical neglect after childbirth. After years of advocacy — powered by YOUR generosity — the MomsRising community and partners finally got Congress to treat maternal mortality as the national...
Anita's picture
