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MomsRising statement on the deceptively-named "Workflex in the 21st Century Act."
MomsRising's picture
Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi, House Democrats and MomsRising advocates will hold a press conference tomorrow in the H-207, the Rayburn Room at 10:30 a.m. E.T. on the negative impact of the #GOPTaxScam on children and families. Who: Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi House Democrats MomsRising...
MomsRising's picture
"Mommy, what's sexual harassment?" You were hoping that the daily news reports of famous and powerful men being accused of sexual misconduct would fly right past your kid's radar. But like other unfortunate events you've had to explain far before your kid was ready , the news -- especially bad news...
Caroline Knorr's picture
A conversation where we discuss ACA/Medicaid and Maternal Health with a focus on the impact on black women.
Tasmiha Khan's picture
It’s been five years since 18 year old Ramarley Graham was followed and killed in his own home by NYPD Officer Haste. To this day, there has been no justice, even when police actions after the shooting pointed to a cover up. MomsRising, Ramarley Graham’s mother, Constance Malcolm, and The Justice...
Tasmiha Khan's picture
A conversation on how supporting Medicaid bolsters the health of black and brown communities.
Tasmiha Khan's picture
This tweetchat is about access to health, which is one of the core tenets of our #MaternalJustice campaign. Access to health means access to safe communities and environments. Black women in poor communities don’t have safe spaces to work out and focus on their health. Safe spaces don’t only...
Tasmiha Khan's picture
Take Action!
The U.S. Senate just passed its horrible tax bill. It raises taxes on working families, takes away the healthcare of 13 million people, and balloons our national debt all in order to give tax cuts to millionaires and mega-corporations . Like the infamous Ebenezer Scrooge , the GOP counted its coins...
Elyssa Schmier's picture
Last night, U.S. Senate Republicans made it clear that their loyalties lie with big corporations and the wealthiest 1 percent, not with moms, women, working families, or our economy. The tax plan they passed would punish the middle class, devastate essential programs that boost our health care,...
MomsRising's picture
Deliver a letter!
This is an all-hands-on-deck moment!!!! You have been speaking out by the thousands because you know the long-term effects of the GOP tax bill are atrocious. But the U.S. Senate passed their bill at 2 a.m. Saturday morning (why in the dead of night!?) and now the GOP leadership are moving to...
Elyssa Schmier's picture
