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This week’s #FoodFri chat was all about debunking the myths on popular foods that are currently trending. The Center for Science in the Public Interest addressed the popular beliefs, sometimes fads, that are common today, discussing whether studies support the popularly held beliefs. COCONUT OIL...
Diana Limongi's picture
As if our fight to stop the profoundly unjust Tax Cuts and Jobs Act was not enough, we must all work hard to ensure there will be no unfinished business as Congress works to wrap up the Continuing Resolution before December 22nd with all the crucial help children and other vulnerable populations...
Marian Wright Edelman's picture
Portland will always be home for me. I went to Portland High, have lived in more Joe Soley buildings than I can count, and have been caught walking multiple blocks along with both the whistler and Ricky on his guitar. My Portland pride is matched only by my desire to ensure Portland is a city where the health and economic security of people of color and working families are not left behind as the city develops.
Bea Trumann's picture
On Wednesday, MomsRising took to Capitol Hill to discuss the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP). We made it loud and clear that Congress should not gamble with our kids. CHIP expired at the end of September , and Congress has yet to reauthorize the historically bipartisan legislation. As a...
Isabella Higgins's picture
In a few short weeks, we have one last chance to win earned paid sick days in Maryland. We need to get ready right now because we’re not going to give up our shot!
Ruth Martin's picture
Today, the Democratic victory of a senate seat in Alabama is our nation's top news story. Alabama, the most Republican of Republican states, one of the red-est of the red states, turned blue. And, for the first time, many news outlets are giving credit to the demographic responsible for this...
ShaRhonda Knott Dawson's picture
Together, our stories are mega-powerful. Share your experience with paid sick days to help Austin pass a city-wide earned sick time policy!
Sara Alcid's picture
We're down to the wire. This is the last week to enroll in health insurance at — Friday, December 15 is the final day to sign up for coverage that begins in 2018. No bones about it, the Trump administration has made it harder than ever to sign up, sabotaging Affordable Care Act open...
Debra Ness's picture
Net Neutrality
The FCC is about to vote to end net neutrality—breaking the fundamental principle of the open Internet. I'm supporting an effort to create an avalanche of calls to Congress to stop it . Net neutrality affects everyone who uses the Internet. This is for all of us. Please visit https://www...
ruby's picture
We at MomsRising are excited to share our first Birth & Maternal Health Resource Book with you! It’s for partners, legislators and everyday folks who want to learn more about the problematic state of maternal morbidity/mortality in our nation. The book also serves as an advocacy tool to...
Nadia's picture
