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Meet Elias. He is one of 800,000 Dreamers fighting for their ability to continue with their lives in the United States. Dreamers are young people that were brought to the U.S. as children. Many Dreamers, like Elias, did not know that they were not citizens until they were unable to pursue their...
Carolina's picture
With a newborn, the days are long but the years are short. My baby turned ten weeks this past weekend. Which means I have two more weeks of maternity leave. Yes, I am on maternity leave. No, maternity leave is not a vacation. To the employers who consider maternity leave is for fun or moms on...
To-wen Tseng's picture
DREAMers, along with temporary protected status ("TPS") holders, are fighting for a legislative solution that will allow them to continue pursuing their dreams in our nation while also contributing to our economy. TPS is a form of temporary humanitarian relief that Congress established, whereby the...
Carolina's picture
Take Action!
Today marks exactly one year since the DC Council voted to pass the Universal Paid Leave Act. I wish I could say we were still celebrating and preparing for its implementation, but instead we need to protect the law from being repealed and replaced with a weak and harmful alternative.
Sara Alcid's picture
The tax plan Congress passed today, on a partisan basis, is an insult to our country’s working families. This atrocious bill was written hastily and in secret, then pushed through to a vote despite overwhelming public opposition. Its aim is clear: to cut taxes for corporations and wealthy...
MomsRising's picture
Take Action!
The clock is tick…tick…ticking! And we are still fighting for families in our nation. The GOP just pushed through a destructive tax plan while ignoring some important work that has to be done before 2018—and we are doubling down. The U.S. Congress is on the clock to pass a funding bill by 11:59 pm...
Elyssa Schmier's picture
The Sheep and the Goats “When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, he will sit on his glorious throne. All the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate the people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. He will put the sheep on...
Marian Wright Edelman's picture
Forget the Grinch and Ebenezer Scrooge, the GOP tax plan has taken away all our Christmas spirit. President Trump keeps saying this is a present to American Families, I hope he includes a gift receipt so I can take it back. This new tax plan will crush my large family financially. Here is our story...
Jane Friend's picture
Recently, I had the opportunity to share how I have tirelessly fought for my children's health at a CHIP event on the Capital with MomsRising and Senator Stabenow. My name is Connie Cavara. I’m a nurse and a single mom to three beautiful children, including Carmen and Diego, who attended the event...
Connie Cavara's picture
On the radio show this week we talk about hope in the holidays — and how to find more hope and joy in this often stressful season; we cover transformative justice and electronic language dissonance talk about pulling the fire alarm on the childcare crisis in America; and discuss how wins are...
Kristin's picture
