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Exciting things are afoot in Duluth. Spoiler alert: it’s something that’s a win-win-win for working families, businesses, and the Duluth economy. >>> I’m talking about earned sick and safe time for Duluth!
Sara Alcid's picture
Good afternoon. My name is Suzanne Garwood and I live in Arlington, Virginia. I am a dedicated MomsRising member because the health care this organization is working to protect matters deeply to my family. My husband and I have two children with Down’s syndrome – a 14-year-old son and a 12 year-old...
Suzanne Garwood's picture
Thank you for having me here today. My name is Jamie Davis Smith. I’m a proud MomsRising member from Washington, DC and the mother of four young children, including my wonderful 11-year-old Claire. Claire was born with a serious genetic disorder. Her heart is in the wrong place and part of her...
Jamie Davis Smith's picture
At a time when our country is experiencing unprecedented income inequality, with the rich getting richer and working families struggling to put food on the table and afford child care and college, the Trump administration and House and Senate Republican leaders today offered a plan that provides...
MomsRising's picture
Rylin's daughter wrote this essay for college applications. Although Graham-Cassidy has been defeated and the Affordable Care Act continues to protect families' health care, the Rodgers' family story makes clear how important health care is--and reminds us that sharing our stories can help change...
Rylin Rodgers's picture
Take action!
“I’m frustrated that our childcare costs more than our rent AND our car payments COMBINED.” - Christina Each day at MomsRising we hear from people like Christina who are struggling to find high-quality, affordable early learning opportunities, like childcare and Pre-K for little ones. I’m sure you’...
Elyssa Schmier's picture
143 hours. That’s how much time I spent without electricity after Hurricane Irma hit Central Florida. We had a generator and could run to the gas station whenever it needed gas, though. We also had cases and cases of water, food, and medicine. Communications were in and out and I could barely speak...
Sili Recio's picture
The moms of America cheered as our nation’s health care survived another dangerous and unnecessary attack today, when Senate leaders were forced to cancel plans for a vote on yet another health care repeal bill that would have devastated the nation. Of all the proposals put forward over the past...
MomsRising's picture
Almost there! We’re gaining MOMentum protecting healthcare, but make no mistake: We haven't won yet. It's still go time for health care! We need everyone (including YOU!) to keep the pressure on. And we're making it super easy to do just that. Scroll down for easy ways to both call and write...
Karen Showalter's picture
Today marks Native American Women’s Equal Pay Day, the day to which the average Native American woman working full-time has to work until her earnings match the average pay for a white man from the previous year. Native Hawaiians and other Pacific Islanders earned just 59 cents for every dollar...
MomsRising's picture
