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As my colleague Miriam discussed here , chlorpyrifos is a highly toxic and commonly used agricultural pesticide that poses serious health risks for consumers , in particular children. The amount of chlorpyrifos residue consumed by one person in a day can add up quickly because many different fruits...
Sasha Stashwick's picture
Congratulations to our friends at CommuniKids for the opening of their new free Spanish immersion Pre-k seats the District of Columbia! For more information on this new program, see the full press release below or visit CommuniKids main free pre-k website with information on details on how to apply...
Nina Perez's picture
As a parent, I want to give my child every opportunity available to grow into a healthy adult. I read them books before bedtime, keep an eye on the television programs they're watching and make sure they get their fruits and veggies. And then I heard about Chlorpyrifos. " Chlorpyrifos is a toxic...
Migdalia Rivera's picture
We are submitting to Congress these ninety-five stories and reasons why the Senate and House should vote no on the Graham-Cassidy bill that would repeal the Affordable Care Act and drastically reduce health care protections to more than 30 million Americans. Our health care stories take place in...
Nancer Ballard's picture
Outrageous doesn’t even begin to describe it! The Senate could vote on yet ANOTHER disastrous health care repeal bill in just a matter of days. In a last-ditch effort, they’re trying to gather enough votes to pass the awful Cassidy-Graham repeal bill, and this is the worst one yet! Members of...
Felicia Burnett's picture
Recently, we shared our analysis of the latest ditch effort by some members of Congress to repeal the Affordable Care Act. This week, Governor Hutchinson publicly shared that he joined a small group of Republican governors who gave input on this bill, and he supports it because it will not create a...
Marquita Little's picture
I work in a children’s hospital. The same children’s hospital that has provided the complex care my children have needed. Today, I found myself looking at the families in the halls, knowing that their children by virtue of being here would be negatively impacted by #GrahamCassidy. For my family,...
Rylin Rodgers's picture
Yikes! Health care is under attack again—and we need to do everything we can to protect our health care! This is an emergency: The new Cassidy-Graham bill that’s being proposed is even more harmful and destructive to our health care than previous bills and would take away coverage from tens of...
Felicia Burnett's picture
Senate leaders are trying one more time to repeal the ACA and strip coverage from millions, and they’re trying to do it in the next 1.5 weeks. Act now.
Lecia Imbery's picture
The most recent effort to roll back health care harms women, moms, children and our economy. It is unconscionable and destructive. It’s time for President Trump and the Republican leaders in Congress to listen to what their constituents and the data are saying: Improve health care, don’t destroy it...
MomsRising's picture
