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On July 3, 2014 Governor Tom Corbett signed HB 1420 into law creating Act 94 of 2014. In layman's terms: In October 2014, all babies born in Pennsylvania birthing facilities will be required to be screened for critical congenital heart defects via pulse oximetry. Congenital heart defects...
Mary E. Mannix's picture
I had the privilege to take part in the recent White House Summit on Working Families , and I wanted to share with you three points I shared with the 1,000 people who attended (about a quarter of whom were union members). The summit was in a prestigious ballroom in Washington, D.C. Many of the...
Liz Shuler's picture
School’s out and summer is here! As a kid, that meant sunshine, long days full of fun, and all the perks of summer: BBQs, popsicles, swimming, summer camps, and no homework! As an adult and as a soon-to-be parent, it leaves me with more questions than anything!
Lauren Hipp's picture
Turns out that pretty much all the good work culture practices that are good for moms are good for everybody. And movements are more powerful when they inspire everybody!
joan's picture
Only 1 in 5 eligible kids access the Summer Nutrition Program. These leaves behind a lot of hungry children June through August. Luckily, a bi-partisan group in Congress is coming up with some answers to this problem.
Elyssa Schmier's picture
This 4th of July, my family and I are heading to a family shindig. We'll be spending time with family and friends around the pool and laughing around the backyard tables.
Migdalia Rivera's picture
“I had to drive the school bus with the H1N1 virus. I am the sole provider for a family of four, so losing that one week of income was horrible.” – Wanda, Connecticut “As a union stewardess I saw a manager tell a bus monitor that she "didn’t care that she’d have to find another family member to...
Michelle Noehren's picture
Pennsylvania babies need your help today! Please call your Pennsylvania legislator today asking for a concurrence vote on HB 1420 before they recess for the summer. You will be saving lives.
Mary E. Mannix's picture
All the statistics in the world can’t make change if people aren't talking about what they need, asking for it—and even clamoring for it. And that’s where moms come in.
Emma Plumb's picture
“Sister, you and your fellow nuns have clearly gone rogue!" -- Stephen Colbert Sister Simone Campbell was 18 years old when she joined the convent and 21 when she took her nun vows of poverty, chastity and obedience. Her younger sister and best friend was dying of Hodgkin’s disease. It was the 1960...
Melissa Regan's picture
