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The answer is no. Charlene Dill, a Florida mom of three, died on March 21st while working one of three part-time jobs—and her passing could have been prevented if the Florida Legislature had simply acted in time.
Nina Perez's picture
One of my favorite quotes relating to environmental health is this: First-environment.png It's true. One thing every human being has in common is that we all grew in our mother's bodies. Our mother's womb is the place we first existed and we relied on her (and her body) for nourishment and safety...
Michelle Noehren's picture
Take Action
What the what!? There is too much junk food marketing in our schools. It's enough to have to deal with junk food marketing pretty much everywhere else. But it certainly shouldn't be reading, writing, and junk food marketing in every hall of our public schools! Join us to get standards for junk food...
Monifa Bandele's picture
Thanks to recent IRS guidance —and an extended deadline (through May 30!) to sign-up for health insurance—domestic violence survivors who are living apart from an abusive spouse can now access subsidies to help them afford the cost of health insurance. Until now, unless a married couple was legally...
Susanna Birdsong's picture
Txt Msg Action!
Finding ways for our kids to talk about mental illness and mental health is really important. I live near Washington DC and had to read last week about a local high school with 6 suicides in the past two years. Two of the kids were 15 years old. Imagining the pain of the parents of these kids...
Mary Jacksteit's picture
Historically, the approved approach to early childhood education in the US has, for decades, swung between support for whole child development/ play and focus on cognitive development of the child / academics.
Leah Kalish's picture
Join @MomsRising and @PreventObesity this Friday, 4/18/14, at 1 p.m. EST / 10am PST for #NoMoreJunkAds, our #FoodFri tweetchat focused on creating a healthier school environment. Parents scored a huge victory last year when we won the Smart Snacks rule . Now snacks sold in school vending machines...
Migdalia Rivera's picture
Join @MomsRising and @PreventObesity this Friday, 4/18/14 at 1 p.m. EST / 10am PST for #NoMoreJunkAds , our #FoodFri tweetchat focused on creating a healthier school environment. Parents scored a huge victory last year when we won the Smart Snacks rule . Now snacks sold in school vending machines...
Migdalia Rivera's picture
Equal Pay Day was last week—but really, we should be talking about this every day, not just on April 8. I love the AMC hit show “Mad Men.” But I don’t love Mad Men-era pay. You can’t smoke in the office any more, but you can still pay women less than men. If women were asked to work for free for...
Liz Shuler's picture
Take Action!
I love those images in magazines as much as anyone else -- you know, the images of the mother lightly skipping through the field of flowers with her laughing children. And yeah, once in a while I’ve had a field of flowers moment, but mostly motherhood is something else, something more real, more...
Karen Showalter's picture
