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Little girl in purple jacket, pink pants and rain boots bending down to plant flowers with a teacher squatting down next to her.
Last Friday was my daughter’s last day in her pre-k program. We found the program when we bought our house in 2019, a much simpler time, pre-pandemic. We toured a couple local centers, but ultimately fell in love with this one because of their play-based learning curriculum, the inclusion of nature in the program, and the amazing teachers.
MacKenzie Nicholson's picture
On the #RADIO show this week, we celebrate the abortion-care victory in Kansas, cover how YOU can help move forward tax fairness and affordable prescription drugs, and find out about a new way the fight for paid family/medical leave is moving forward! *Special guests include: Emily Wales, Planned...
Jacqueline Jackson's picture
Studies have shown that academic performance and health insurance go hand in hand. Children who have health coverage miss fewer classes and perform better in school than those who are uninsured. But health coverage doesn’t just benefit students. Fewer missed days of school also mean fewer missed...
Tasmiha Khan's picture
We have a win to celebrate! This week we saw a big win in Kansas to protect abortion rights because everyday people like you stood up, voted, and made their voices heard! Now – in no small part due to your efforts – we have an opportunity to help move another wave of progress forward with the...
Selina Maldonado's picture
Take Action!
Tell your Senator to vote YES on the Inflation Reduction Act!
Finally, some great news! The U.S. Senate has come to an agreement on a bill that will rein in Big Pharma’s price gouging, help millions of people keep their health insurance, tax mega-corporations, and lower carbon emissions. Quick signature: Tell your U.S. Senators to support the Inflation...
Felicia Burnett's picture
I am the program manager of the Gate City Coalition, which is the Greensboro, NC branch of Cure Violence . Cure Violence works to end gun violence through a community violence interruption model. I was brought into this work when I was shot in the head in 2011. I do not consider myself to be a...
Ingram Bell's picture
We are so ecstatic to celebrate the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP)’s 25th anniversary! CHIP is a federal/state partnership program that helps insure kids in all fifty states. Making sure our children have health insurance ensures that we always give our kids a winning hand of lifelong...
Tasmiha Khan's picture
Since the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade took effect, we’ve been doing everything we can to secure our reproductive rights for every single person, in every single state. Their decision reversed our right at the national level to choose when, and if, we want to have children...
Diarra Diouf's picture
[IMAGE DESCRIPTION: A graphic image with a blue background and text that reads MOM-entum.]
The MomsRising movement surged with power this July. Click this to see the MOMentum and change you made possible with your generosity.
Kerri Karvetski's picture
On July 7th, in Tucson Arizona, over 65 people came together to build power in their community. Women, fathers, children, and super volunteers all showed up to raise their voices and to demand action for women, families, and our national economy. at the community power party, volunteers signed...
Alin Rodríguez's picture
