Moms Meetups coming your way in 2016!
It’s the New Year and we've got a new experiment we'd like to do with you (yes, you!). We've had a ton of requests recently to have a way for our members to gather together in-person, offline, in a regular way to talk about important current topics and hang out with other cool, secret superhero moms.
Well… we're now ready to give it a go. (In a no pressure way!)
What's The Big Idea: Are you interested in signing up to get together regularly with other MomsRising members and friends at a time & location of your choice? We're plotting out starting more local gatherings, Moms MeetUps: Rising Together, and want to know if you're interested (click here to tell us you want to get involved!)
Here's What We're Thinking:
We'll provide regular, fresh content — great discussion ideas and questions, as well as a recommended hot book, article, interesting videos, conference calls with national and local progressive leaders, or other materials.
You pick the time & venue — with kids, without kids, in a home, library, restaurant (or even a bar). Your gathering could be with kids in a park, without kids at a pub, on a field trip to a beach, at a meeting room in a library, or even on a mom's night out.
We'll provide an online meeting coordination system so you can invite friends to come along, and so other MomsRising members in your area can join up with you at your gathering (You'll be able to decide if it's an "open" or "closed" group).
You post updates about your gatherings on a special place on our MomsRising website after you meet—so we can all have an online and on-the-ground statewide discussion.
Want to give it a try? (--->Say you will!)
And we want to share a little (well, not so very little) secret with you: You are part of a real and growing movement of amazing people. There are now over 1 million MomsRising members out there nationally, each of whom are taking time out of their busy lives to move political mountains, and most of us have never met.
Yes, MomsRising members (like you!) are powerful. MomsRising members took over 1.1 million actions last year and sent hundreds of thousands of letters to Congress – that’s a HUGE impact! And together, we got results! In 2015 alone, we’ve won battles against the NRA, kept moving the ball forward on paid family/maternity/paternity leave for ALL, advanced fair pay policies at the national and local levels, defended and expanded affordable healthcare and childcare, increased access to healthy foods for kids (including taking on fast food restaurants and getting their kids menus changed for the better!), helped pass earned sick days legislation in 7 new areas, and more. Together, we are a powerful force!
It's like we're all secret superheroes.
Which leads us back to our question - do you want to meet other superheroes? Have a chance to wear your cape in public?
It will be a great chance to come together, take a moment, meet like-minded folks, share great ideas and reveal our secret identities as "people who are changing the world." Once we gauge interest, we'll get to work organizing. Looking forward to meeting all the secret heroes that, according to my kids, may secretly live inside my computer.
The views and opinions expressed in this post are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect those of MomsRising.org.
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