NC Absentee Ballot to be Signed
There’s no wrong way to vote this year, in-person during early voting, in-person on Election Day, or voting by mail. If you are planning to vote by mail in North Carolina, please follow these steps to make sure your vote gets counted!
Request and return your ballot ASAP
Seal the ballot within the envelope
Sign your name where indicated (where it says Step 2) on the return envelope
Almost any adult can be your witness. Have your witness sign AND write their FULL home address (street, city, state, zip) on the return envelope
Mail your ballot back with a stamp or deliver your sealed ballot in-person to your county board of elections office (you will need to fill out a brief form).
Even if you requested and received a ballot by mail, you can still choose to vote in-person. Just tear up the ballot you received.
Please note the following deadlines:
Request your ballot by 5 PM on Oct. 27 (recommend you request now here: https://votebymail.ncsbe.gov/app/home)
Submit your ballot by 5 pm on Nov. 3rd (recommend return ASAP)
Track your mail-in ballot at https://northcarolina.ballottrax.net/voter/. This website will tell you whether your ballot is accepted or if there’s an issue that needs corrected (most common problem is missing witness information). If there is a problem, you have the right to correct it and make sure that your vote counts.
You can find more voter information here: momsrising.org/mr2020
Please exercise your right to vote! If you choose to mail in your ballot, please follow the steps outlined here to make sure that your vote is counted.
If you have additional questions about voting in North Carolina, please visit ncvoter.org.
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