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Paid Sick Days

MomsRising in West Virginia

August 18, 2022
MomsRising is a network of people just like you, united by the goal of building a more family-friendly in West Virginia and across America. Ruth and Tracy share their stories about the importance of paid family leave.
Taylor Austin's picture

Congress, do the right thing. Pass paid family and medical leave for all.

July 8, 2022
We’ve been fighting so hard to win legislative change like paid family and medical leave that will help our families achieve economic security…and then here comes the Supreme Court two weeks ago overturning Roe v. Wade and striping away our autonomy, our right to be free and equal members of society, and our ability to access the abortion care we need.
Namatie Mansaray's picture
Boy flying kite with text saying Strolling Thunder, Thursday, June 9, 10:00-11:30 am

NC: Come fly kites for change! RSVP now for a kite-flying playdate

May 20, 2022
What is that up in the sky? Is it a bird? A plane? Nope! It's a kite! Join MomsRising (and a bunch of kites!) as we fly into action in Raleigh to remind NC lawmakers that when we lift up babies and families, we all can soar! MomsRising is excited to join our partners at the Think Babies NC Alliance...
BethM's picture

Paid leave is critical to all families

May 16, 2022
At the beginning of the pandemic, Amazon offered up to two weeks of paid time off for employees who had Covid-19 or needed to quarantine, and now, they’ve reduced that to five *unpaid* excused days from work.
Namatie Mansaray's picture

Join Our BINGO Party!

February 25, 2022
Popcorn and BINGO with the President... all from the comfort of your living room! Want in? This Tuesday night (March 1st) at 9pm ET / 6pm PT President Joe Biden will be giving the 2022 State of the Union (SOTU). In order to make watching fun and powerful, we've created a BINGO card to help you...
Hanna's picture
We Are MomsRising
Photo of MomsRising member Mackenzie Nicholson

The one question I wasn't asked during 30 job interviews

November 22, 2021
"It's time for employers to see their employees as people who have whole lives outside of work." - MacKenzie from New Hampshire
MacKenzie Nicholson's picture
Strong Care Square onesie for Care Economy Storybook

Dear Congress: Need More Reasons to Build a Care Infrastructure NOW? Read This.

September 17, 2021
In our Care Economy Storybook 2021, MomsRising has captured powerful and moving stories from families across the nation about how hard it is to give care, and how our inadequate Care Infrastructure hurts families, businesses and our economy.
Kristin's picture
Strong Care Square onesie for Care Economy Storybook

Dear Congress: "The system is broken and it needs to be fixed." A Care Economy Storybook

August 19, 2021
It's not enough to go back to where we were. We need to build back better. In our Care Economy Storybook 2021, MomsRising has captured powerful and moving stories from families across the nation about how hard it is to give care, making the case that it doesn't have to be this way.
Kerri Karvetski's picture
Princess Bride Inigo Montoya Let Me Sum Up graphic

ICYMI: May The 4th, Mother's Day, Action of the Week and More!

May 10, 2021
What went on in the MomsRising community last week? Lots! Take a look at the new and notable for the week ending Saturday, May 8, 2021. ACTION OF THE WEEK: Tell Congress to Lower Drug Prices Americans should not pay three times more for medicines than people in other countries do. There are...
Kerri Karvetski's picture

Moving Forward Justice

December 22, 2020
As we close out the year we have some special guests on the radio show this week as we talk about how much emergency relief from Congress it will take to revive the U.S. economy. We also discuss the need to extend paid leave and sick days and uncover what's going with after school care and how to...
Amber Dorsey's picture
