You know what’s really spooky? The thought of people not voting! Today, as many are celebrating Halloween and visiting their neighbors’ houses, it’s the perfect time to help get out the vote (GOTV) while trick-or-treating!
Quick action: Download our spooky GOTV tag to take with you to trick-or-treat!
That’s right, we don’t want anyone “ghosting” on voting this year. With the November 8th election deadline just over a week away, we’re making it super easy to help ensure your neighbors have all the info they need to get to the polls. Simply download our spooky GOTV tag that has an easy to scan QR code on it. You can print it out and attach it to your child’s trick-or-treat bag, or just carry it on your phone to let neighbors scan it from there.
*If you aren’t planning to trick-or-treat today, you can still help get out the vote by sharing our voter info link on Facebook and Twitter!
Trick-or-treating is a great opportunity to make sure your neighbors are ready to vote because people are already expecting a knock on their doors on Halloween. After the person at the door gives out their candy, politely ask, “Do you have a plan to go vote?” If they say “no” you can let them scan your GOTV tag to find out where & how to vote on (or before) November 8th. They just have to point their smartphone camera at the code and click the link or they can type in momsrising.org/vote22 into a web browser.
(You can alternatively print out a bunch of our spooky GOTV tags and hand them out. Remember to say, “Thank you! Don’t forget to vote on November 8!”)
It’s that simple! Download our spooky GOTV tag to make sure your neighbors don’t “ghost” on voting!
This is also a great way to get your kids excited about voting and to show them they can be involved in elections even if they aren’t old enough yet to vote. Together, we can inspire a new generation of community leaders who encourage their friends and neighbors to make their voices heard at the ballot box. Yes, you can be a voter and raise a voter, and… have fun all at the same time!
This Halloween, let’s get out the vote together!
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