Labor Day is behind us. Halloween decorations are already starting to appear. And the reality is hitting us like a ton of bricks that the general election is coming fast, with deadlines for registering voters just weeks away in many states.
Yikes! There’s no time to lose!
Be a part of the #MomsVote Brigade to help register and GET OUT THE VOTE (!!!) by taking our very first post-Labor-Day #MomsVote action: Hitting the #CantWait2Vote Panic Button!
*Get the #CantWait2Vote Panic Button now and hit it! (It’s online and FREE.)
Why use the #CantWait2Vote Panic Button? Because at MomsRising, we know how to turn the anxiety of parenthood and living through this crazy period into political power!
What do you do when you get those surges of frustration as you watch the daily parade of shocking news, scandals, and profoundly disturbing weirdness coming out of Washington D.C.?
Here's the perfect thing: When the news makes you feel like punching the wall, you can punch the #CantWait2Vote Panic Button instead!
Get MomsRising’s brand new #CantWait2Vote Panic Button and action page now.
The #CantWait2Vote Panic Button is not only a stress reliever, but a powerful tool for action.
Using the #CantWait2Vote button lets people know they’re not alone. When you use the #CantWait2Vote button, you’re take part in a wave of cultural change to get the word out about the issues that matter to you, and about the importance of voting. Plus, voter turnout has been low over the past decade, so reminding people to vote (again and again) is critically important to getting people to cast their ballots. And not only is the panic button fun and highly effective tool for you to use, it takes just seconds!
HERE’S HOW IT WORKS: When news or other information flies across your timeline, tv screen, radio broadcast or newspaper that makes you just want to scream, complete the sentence, “I can’t wait to vote because ________________,” then punch the #CantWait2Vote Panic Button on your action page.
- Once you press the button, your reason is then recorded on your own personalized #CantWait2Vote page, which keeps a running list that you can check at any time to motivate you to the polls.
- You can click the email icon next to your reason to send it to friends whom you are trying to inspire to vote.
- If you are on social media, you can click the blue bird Twitter icon next to your reason in order to tweet it out, so that it joins tweets from other voters across the country feeling just like you, creating a collective #CantWait2Vote shout that reminds others to vote, too. (We know that social pressure is a prime motivator for voters!)
***Get the #CantWait2Vote Panic Button and your special action page now!
What could be better?!! The #CantWait2Vote Panic Button lets you relieve stress at the same time you are generating voter momentum for Election Day.
Imagine a news moment that leaves scores of moms, dads and family members across the country shocked, upset or angry. If everyone at that time uses the panic button to email and tweet out their reason for why they #CantWait2Vote, then it becomes a crowd-sourced public declaration that people will be voting because of that piece of news. The more people who use the panic button in that news moment, the louder that declaration and the momentum for voting!
Here are some example of what you can say with your #CantWait2Vote Panic Button:
I can’t wait to vote because…
- Moms #CantWait2Vote
- I’m finally 18 and I #CantWait2Vote
- #CantWaitToVote for #healthcare #fairpay #gunsafety #childcare, and #choice!
- If you have a tattoo, make your mark #CantWaitToVote!
- Women #CantWait2Vote
- I'm ready for our leaders to reflect the diversity of our nation
Relieve your stress and mobilize voters with the #CantWait2Vote Panic Button.
Know others who are as frustrated as you, and who can’t wait to vote? Forward them this email so they can get the #CantWait2Vote Panic Button, too.
Let’s have election fever together, and make sure there’s record turnout on Election Day this November!
The views and opinions expressed in this post are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect those of MomsRising.org.
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