Moms are a mighty force this election season. Through MomsRising’s Beacons of Hope program, moms-- and those who love moms!-- are engaging in massive nonpartisan voter engagement efforts targeting moms. Each of these 265 volunteers, or “Beacons of Hope Volunteer Fellow,” is assigned a list of 400-600 low-frequency mom voters. Throughout October, they are making one-to-one connections with these moms via text and phone calls to inspire them to vote.
We asked these Beacons of Hope what inspired them to volunteer for this time-intensive program. Their responses were so beautiful that we decided to share them. Although we would like to share all of their messages, they would take up seven pages! So, here is a sample of their diverse hopes and dreams, grouped into common themes.
Power Building
Many Beacons joined this program as a way to own their personal power and build power for others. They want to:
“inspire moms who may have lost hope that their vote matters and that it will make a difference.”
“uplift other moms.”
“inspire single moms to feel empowered.”
“make sure that every person feels heard, empowered and a part of the process.”
“be able to speak to my kids in Spanish without people screaming ‘go back to your country.’”
“help moms to use their powerful voices.”
“continue to learn to celebrate my voice, my creativity, and power to help raise others up.”
“empower other moms to feel that their voice and vote are heard, important and counted.”
“inspire other women to vote as well as my 15 year old daughter when she’s old enough!”
“raise women up!”
“to light the spark in mothers' hearts and minds to make their voices heard for themselves and their families.”
Moms Voices Matter
Beacons want every mom to believe that their voice matters. They are driven by the fierce desire to:
“show their children and grandchildren how moms can make change happen through the vote.”
“speak up for those POC who have made a difference in this world.”
“encourage women of color and single moms to vote and to feel the support of us.”
“help moms be heard and know their opinion matters.”
“give moms a voice and transform this country into one we can be proud to raise our kids.”
“honor my own mother.”
Policy Changes
Prison reform; affordable, high quality educational opportunities; DACA, and affordable healthcare were identified as specific policy priorities. Beacons also shared the sweeping policy changes they are fighting for:
“With more moms voting, we will begin to have a country that has Family Policy as one of the priorities.”
“To have a productive country - where we actually make rational decisions to create the most good for the most people and can move forward with solving problems and build from strength to strength!”
“Increase economic security, decrease discrimination, and build a nation where everyone can thrive!”
Hope Coupled with Determination
Hope for a better future is a driving force for Beacons. Their hope is coupled with a determination to do everything possible to bring about positive change. Beacons hope:
“for a future for all the kids in our community that I know will be safe, secure, and prosperous.”
“for my son to be able to walk down the street and I don’t have to worry.”
“that we are laying the groundwork for a more just, equitable, and compassionate future.”
“that we are raising the next generation to be kind, conscious, anti-racist, good people!”
“ for increasing equity and investment in humanity.”
“that we can help make a positive change for our children and their future.”
Creating Community
The potential for building community is a strong motivator for Beacons. Through the program, they are, in the words of one Beacon, “connecting with folks and building relationships across my state and the country while encouraging and empowering others to use their voices.” They are also excited about the new Beacons of Hope community they are creating:
“We are a powerful community - we are moms!”
“We love meeting other moms who are interested in making a difference.”
“I am participating in this community to expand progressive social policies for families and kids and work collaboratively to preserve our democracy for the future.”
“I feel happy to be a part of such an amazing and powerful group of women. Let's get things done and accomplish this shared goal.”
“Hoping that the connection we make with each other through this can be a model for moms across the country to band together to make change.”
“What gives me hope is the collective participation and engagement of a diverse group of people for a common goal.”
“I can now advocate on behalf of BIPOC and make antiracism a way of life. I am hopeful that we CAN shift society, that we can see equality, and that we CAN make a difference wholly, and completely.”
I am owning my personal power and leadership in a collective with awesome, joyful & hopeful people.
After reading their words, I felt inspired to both vote and help get out the vote! In closing, here are two more powerful expressions of hope from the Beacons:
“What gives me hope is meeting all these very determined women who are saying ENOUGH!” and,
“So many people from all over the country want to make this happen. Moms will prevail!!!”
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