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Blog Carnivals

Blog Carnival: A Celebration of Women's History Month & Building an Intersectional Movement

March 26, 2015
In the spirit of Women's History Month and in honor of our foremothers whose shoulders we stand on, we hope you'll join us in celebrating their legacy, exploring the issues facing women and families today, and committing to being the best allies possible to one another and in all communities.
Kristin Rowe-Finkbeiner Monifa Bandele Sara Alcid's picture

Immigration Makes Guest Appearance at Oscars 2015: a MomsRising Blog Carnival

February 26, 2015
Oscar fact: Iñarritu is the 5th consecutive foreign-born person to win the best director award, although no other winner has been the butt of an immigration joke. Also, at a time when 11 million lives – three-quarters women and children – are in limbo due to Congress’s inaction on immigration, we need action, not jokes. That is why we have dedicated this space to talking about the real issues, real insights, and real complexities relating to immigration, contemporary culture, and yes- to the Oscars, too.
Mary O's picture

Let's Defy Breastfeeding Myths

February 25, 2015
My commitment to breastfeeding started as a young mother. I believe it is the best start we can give our babies. My first child was not breastfed because of a myth that my husband had. He believed that the breasts were not meant for that purpose because it was an old fashioned concept. He also...
Gaylean Woods's picture

On Infant Feeding: Research, Support and Community

February 25, 2015
Can you talk about your commitment to breastfeeding support, and how you began? My interest and commitment to infant feeding support developed out of my clinical, graduate, and personal experiences. As a public health nurse working with pregnant and parenting African American women and their...
Ifeyinwa Asiodu's picture

Mamatoto Village: building healthier communities through maternal health

February 23, 2015
Tell us about MamaToto Village and how it began. Mamatoto Village is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, devoted to creating career pathways for Women of Color in the field of Maternal Health; and empowering women with the necessary tools to make the most informed decisions and choices in their...
Aza Nedhari's picture

Brooklyn Breastfeeding Empowerment Zone sparks neighborhood-wide change

February 23, 2015
Tell us about the Breastfeeding Empowerment Zone and how it began. The Brooklyn Breastfeeding Empowerment Zone is a 3-year initiative funded by the W.K. Kellogg Foundation in partnership with the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene to address the low rate of breastfeeding in the...
Sharon Marshall-Taylor's picture

Jennie Joseph's JJ Way leads to better birth and breastfeeding outcomes

February 15, 2015
Tell us about your work and how it began. I was trained as a midwife in Great Britain in 1979 and moved to the United States in 1989. My experience has been quite diverse: European hospitals, American birth centers, clinics and homebirth environments. I’ve been instrumental in the regulation of...
Jennie Joseph's picture

Breastfeeding is Not a Private Issue

February 13, 2015
My name is Rosetta M. Walls and I’m a former Breastfeeding Peer Counselor with HealthConnect One . I inadvertently became a counselor by taking the class to find out how to get my “Boob-Head” son off my breast. He was a little over one years old and I was totally exhausted from nursing. Amazingly,...
Rosetta M Walls's picture

Helping Mom and Baby Breastfeed

February 13, 2015
I have been educating and supporting mothers on breastfeeding since 1996. After having my first daughter Jaylin, I not only felt a connection between the two of us but also a connection to the experience of breastfeeding. It wasn’t until signing up for WIC services for my son in 2009, however, that...
Dana Posley's picture

Breastfeeding is Not a Private Issue

February 13, 2015
My name is Rosetta M. Walls and I’m a former Breastfeeding Peer Counselor with HealthConnect One . I inadvertently became a counselor by taking the class to find out how to get my “Boob-Head” son off my breast. He was a little over one years old and I was totally exhausted from nursing. Amazingly,...
Rosetta M Walls's picture
