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Blog Carnivals

Housing Matters

October 19, 2015
In the 2013-14 school year, there were 1.36 million homeless students in the United States, doubling since before the recession.
Linda Couch's picture

WIC: #StopTheCuts to Protect Women and Children!

October 19, 2015
Many of you are probably familiar with WIC—the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children—and what a vital role it plays in ensuring healthy, nutritious diets for families facing financial difficulty. However, did you know that in addition to providing a healthy food...
Elisabet Eppes's picture

Stop the Cuts: Public Programs Lift Millions of Women and Children Out of Poverty

October 19, 2015
Some members of Congress are putting public programs that are vital to women and families on the chopping block—despite evidence showing that these programs lift millions of Americans out of poverty each year. With poverty levels as high as they are, we can’t afford to let Congress cut these...
Amelia Bell's picture

Let’s Stop The Tax Cuts For Corporations Instead

October 19, 2015
How much would it cost to #stopthecuts to all the non-defense programs threatened by sequestration next year? $37 billion . And even if the sequester is averted, funding for these programs would be at historically low levels , following years of reduced funding. Some Members of Congress refuse to...
Reggie Oldak's picture

Building a Better UI Program for Today’s Working Mothers

October 19, 2015
The 80th anniversary of unemployment insurance (UI) passed with little notice in August. Passage of time alone does not explain UI’s sad, sorry state. Instead, deliberate limitations were built into the program’s beginnings while others have been adopted during its history. Studies show that women...
Rick McHugh's picture

Budget Cap Will Cap Dad’s and Daughter’s Futures

October 19, 2015
This is a somewhat abbreviated version of a post published on Poverty & Policy. You can read it here: I first met Peter* on a street corner in my neighborhood, where he was selling Street Sense , the newspaper for homeless people in the District of Columbia. He now does...
Kathryn Baer's picture

Grow Healthy Families With a Veggieful Garden!

September 10, 2015
“Everyone has a starting point; the point is… get started!” ~ Jessica David My mom has a dark green thumb. She has always grown with much success house plants and over the last several years she has had an abundant garden. Years ago she used to gift me hard-to-kill green plants but trust me, they...
Jessica David's picture

How to Get Enough Sleep This School Year

September 10, 2015
I'm a big advocate of getting sufficient sleep. While sleep is one of the basic biological and physiological needs, we parents tend not to give the topic the attention that it deserves. In reality, sleep is as important to our overall family health as our nutrition and exercise. It is so important...
Kimberly Coleman's picture

10 Tips For A Great Kindergarten Year

September 2, 2015
I’m sad to say this year I don’t have a child in Kindergarten but I consider myself an expert since I have taught the grade for several years and I know the expectations of the children, parents, and teachers. It’s such a sweet grade because many children haven’t been to school prior to this...
Eileen Campos's picture

5 Tips to Help Students Avoid School Stress and Improve Academic Success

September 2, 2015
It’s here! Students have officially gone back to school. The initial back to school glee felt by Moms and students alike may have already started ebbing and been replaced by incredible juggling acts. Homework, studying and hectic schedules are just some of the balls being held up in the air during...
Migdalia Rivera's picture
