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Blog Carnivals

Women Have Lives On The Line With Health Care Reform

October 11, 2011
Like thousands of other families the recession has hit ours hard, but it could be worse. My family currently has health insurance, and both my husband and I still have jobs. We live paycheck to paycheck but still I feel lucky. It’s a tenuous luck, a luck that is one medical emergency away from...

How Restrictions on Health Care Funding Affect Low-Income Women's Access to Care

October 11, 2011
By: Amanda Dennis, Ruth Manski Seventeen million women in the US, most of whom are of reproductive age, are insured by Medicaid, the health insurance program for low-income individuals and families. Because Medicaid is jointly administered by federal and state governments, policies at both levels...

No Co-Pay for Birth Control? A Great First Step Towards Truly Universal Access

October 11, 2011
Contraception is a critical preventive health care tool for women and families. Contraception allows women (and their partners) to plan their pregnancies and avoid pregnancy when they don’t want to have a baby, and planned pregnancies are healthier for women and children. Women with planned...

Women's Health, Worth Fighting For

October 11, 2011
Some four years after the dawn of the Great Recession, all across this nation millions continue to struggle. And while women and families face a multitude of challenges, there is perhaps no challenge more pertinent to one's quality of life than the issue of health and access to care when you need...
Avis Jones-DeWeever's picture

If Eleanor Roosevelt were going to Georgia…

September 27, 2011
As part of the We Belong Together delegation, I am going to Georgia to try to channel Eleanor Roosevelt. This is a tall order, but if there is ever a moment when her wisdom, passion and commitment was needed, this is it. A pioneer for human rights in her time, Eleanor was a principal drafter of the...

My Story-Our Story

September 27, 2011
As an immigrant, a woman, a social worker and a professor who teaches about the immigrant experience in the United States, I feel very connected to other immigrants throughout this country on many levels. Restrictive immigration policies such as HB 87 in Georgia, HB 497 in Utah, SB1070 in Arizona...

This is not what I was taught the American Dream was.

September 27, 2011
“This is not what I was taught the American Dream was. The American Dream in my eyes is everyone having equal rights…. I just want to let America know that this is not fair, what they’re doing to us is not fair, because my dad was stopped for no reason. I don’t think that wearing landscaper clothes...

Georgia’s New Anti-Immigrant Law – Writings from the Women’s Delegation Traveling to Atlanta to Expose Human Rights Violations

September 27, 2011
Welcome to the MomsRising blog-a-thon developed by the delegation of women leaders traveling to Georgia this week as part of a growing national resistance to anti-immigrant laws. The We Belong Together Delegation will hear, and then share, the stories of women and children affected by Georgia’s...
Mary O's picture

Addressing Georgia’s New and Abusive Anti-Immigrant Law – Why I am joining the “We Belong Together” Delegation

September 27, 2011
For more than two hundred years, mothers from every corner of the globe have come here to seek a better life for their families, particularly their children. And all of us, newcomers as well as those with families who have been here for generations, want our children to live a safe and healthy life...
Mary O's picture

I am going to Georgia to stand up for America and our children’s future.

September 27, 2011
There’s a myth out there that immigration is complex—even controversial. But the truth is that the issue of immigration may be the simplest and clearest thing that binds us all together. With the exception of our Native American brothers and sisters who were here long before any of us came and who...
Pramila Jayapal's picture
