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Blog Carnivals

Move Over Amy Chua: 2012 Is the Year of the Dragon Mom

January 23, 2012
Amy Chua ousted the timid Rabbit and made 2011 the Year of the Tiger. Her book, Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother , a memoir about how she raised fabulously successful children through strict parenting, became a global phenomenon. Parents everywhere fiercely debated the pros and cons of Chua’s...
Gloria Pan's picture

It’s the Year of the Barber

January 23, 2012
Last week, I was in Asia for work and over Skype, in a complete role reversal, found myself nagging my wife to make sure our 11-month-old got a haircut in preparation for Chinese New Year. Getting a haircut is the sole New Year's ritual I have been diligent observing in my adult life, meaning the...
Alex Tse's picture

Women, The Economy, and Unemployment Insurance

December 8, 2011
I am eight months pregnant. I am currently in a battle with unemployment insurance and my previous employer, WMATA (Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority) over whether or not I should be allowed unemployment benefits. Since October 24 (almost six weeks ago) I have been wrongfully let go...
Angel Savoy's picture

Navigating unemployment

December 8, 2011
I had been unable to find a job in my field since April of 2011. My family is staying afloat and we are one of the lucky ones. Wondering what my field is? I am a SOCIAL WORKER with a masters degree! I thought the world needed social workers?! I'm sure it still does, but with such extreme budget...

I Am ‘Occupying’ D.C. for My Children and Future Generations

December 8, 2011
This week I will be sitting in at Congressional members’ offices, confronting corporate lobbyists on K Street and taking other actions with organizers from Our DC and across the country to draw attention to our nation’s high unemployment and underemployment rate. I haven’t felt this energized since...
Linda Evans's picture

Unemployment Insurance is the LEAST We Can Offer Working Families

December 8, 2011
The reason I say “working” families is because this economy is much more complicated than “working” and “unemployed.” There are many families like ours, struggling, even though we both technically have jobs. We are both in our 50s, have no retirement savings and are living paycheck to paycheck. A...
Elisanta Batista's picture

Without Unemployment Insurance, My Family Would Have To Choose Which Bills to Pay

December 8, 2011
To say that the job market is “bad” in Tampa, Florida, would be an understatement. The city has an unemployment rate of almost 11% , which is slightly higher than the rest of the state and significantly higher than the rest of the country. Everything from our home foreclosure rates to divorce rates...
Teresa Rey's picture

Good Education. Good experience. Still unemployed.

December 8, 2011
I am an RN who specializes in utilization review. I had worked for the same company since 1999. Unfortunately, as the dawn of the economic crisis broke, that company was swallowed up by another company, and then that was sold to another. After years of losing pensions, switching to lesser yielding...
Theresa Witt's picture

11 Tips to Help Children Get Enrolled in Medicaid and CHIP

November 19, 2011
Co-authored with Stephanie Hodson of United Ways of CA One of United Ways of California’s goals is to improve the health of children and adults. We know that a lack of health care coverage often means that primary care is an unattainable luxury. Yet primary care is so important in preventing or...
Judy Darnell's picture

Waiting on the World to Change

November 19, 2011
“Now we see everything that's going wrong With the world and those who lead it We just feel like we don't have the means To rise above and beat it So we keep waiting Waiting on the world to change.” John Mayer – Waiting on the World to Change I kind of love John Mayer. I mean yes, he sings with...
Kelli King-Jackson's picture
