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Blog Carnivals

UPDATED x 2: The Affordable Care Act and Latino Families – A MomsRising/MamásConPoder Blog Carnival!

March 21, 2012
Para español, haga clic aquí . March 23rd is the two-year anniversary of the historic passage of the Affordable Care Act. I have always believed that all Americans, including Hispanic Americans, should have access to affordable, quality health care. As a Member of the Senate Finance Committee, I...
Senator Robert Menendez's picture

Happy International Women’s Day! A Blog Carnival Calling All Women to Send a Message of Strength

March 8, 2012
Happy International Women’s Day, and welcome to the first #callingallwomen blog carnival. This March – Women’s History Month – 25 women’s funds from across the U.S. are uniting to promote solutions to the critical issues that women face. Against the backdrop of an intensified war on women, the “...
Anika Rahman's picture

Public Programs That Work -- Good News on Children's Coverage

March 1, 2012
Late last year, while official Washington and its pundits were busy deconstructing the failure of the "Super Committee" and the rest of us were planning our holiday celebrations, the National Center for Health Statistics quietly released its 2011 National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) data. Among...
Gene Lewit's picture

Technology and Innovation Supporting Health

February 29, 2012
The Wireless Foundation joined the text4baby initiative over two years ago because of the clear value we see in using mobile technology to improve the health of families in this country. Text4baby is the first of its kind – a free-to-end-user mobile health education service that provides moms with...
Kimberly Bassett's picture

Blog Carnival- Connecting Kids to Coverage and Text4Baby: A New Partnership that Clicks!

February 28, 2012
They say that timing is everything. If that’s true, doesn’t it make sense to tell someone about how to sign up for health insurance when she needs it the most? And, when we’re enrolling a family in a health insurance program, shouldn’t we help them understand how to use those benefits to ensure...
Cindy Mann's picture

The National Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies Coalition: Partnering to Provide Health Information and Coverage

February 28, 2012
Having a baby is a health journey like no other and it’s not easy. The National Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies Coalition (HMHB) has been working for the past 30 years to bring together organizations and individuals committed to making this journey as healthy and happy as it can be for mothers,...
Sarah Ingersoll's picture

Text4Baby and Johnson & Johnson: A public-private partnership for public health

February 28, 2012
The National Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies Coalition is grateful to Johnson & Johnson for its ongoing support of the text4baby program. As the founding sponsor and a key driving force behind the program, Johnson & Johnson provided and continues to provide critical support, allowing us to...
Sarah Ingersoll's picture

Using Technology to Connect in New Ways in Illinois

February 28, 2012
According to the Pew Internet & American Life Project , 85% of all Americans 18 years and older own a cell phone; of these users, nearly a quarter (72%) of them “text”. A July 2011 report shows that nearly one-third of all adults are “smart phone” users. Given that these statistics are only...
Kathy Chan's picture

Building Blocks for Healthy Babies!

February 28, 2012
The U.S. Census Bureau estimates that over 11,000 babies are born every day in the US, and the Massachusetts Health Care For All (HCFA) wants to do its part and help these babies grow up healthy. Our goal is to provide some of the building blocks to help as many Massachusetts babies as possible to...
Dayanne Leal's picture

Enrolling more children into health coverage gets them one step closer to better, life-long development

February 28, 2012
Today, America’s children face the prospect of growing up less healthy, having more debilitating and costly chronic health conditions as adults and living shorter lives than their parents. While current health care costs for children are small in relation of those for adults, the future costs for...
Amy Swanson's picture
