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Blog Carnivals

A Mother of a Legacy

November 29, 2012
I made “Mom History” in 1994 when I became the first ever U.S. women’s bobsled champion at the Olympic Training Center in Lake Placid, NY. The United States Olympic Committee named me “Athlete of the Year”. I was also over four months pregnant. Sports Illustrated and USA Today , ESPN and HBO Sports...
Alexandra Allred's picture

Heavy Weather: How Sandy, Other Climate Destruction Harm Middle and Lower Income Americans

November 29, 2012
The devastating Hurricane Sandy caused a huge swath of destruction in the mid-Atlantic region of the United States on October 29. The storm is responsible for at least 110 fatalities in the United States. Preliminary estimates indicate that it caused $30 billion in damages, with only one-quarter to...
Daniel Weiss's picture

What Happens When Sisters Go Green?

November 29, 2012
Between both civil rights and feminist movements, women of color have always been catalyst of change in our nation. Climate change have disproportionate impacts on communities of color and these issues are hitting women the hardest globally. Ignoring the problems of environmental and climate...
Dorthea Thomas's picture

Moms of Children With Pre-existing Conditions Speak Out: A MomsVote Blog Carnival

November 1, 2012
What do mom voters care about? Well, lots of things. But if you have a loved one with a pre-existing condition, health care security is always high on the list of concerns. (Photo on right: Prior to the Affordable Care Act, Gracie was uninsurable and/or faced a lifetime limit on health care because...
Ashley Boyd's picture

UPDATED: Making the School Day Healthier -- A MomsRising Blog Carnival!

September 13, 2012
As one of Bravo's “Top Chef Masters” and author of Lorena Garcia's New Latin Classics: Fresh Ideas for Favorite Dishes , I’m thrilled to introduce this MomsRising Blog Carnival – Making the School Day Healthier. Healthy and delicious foods are my passion so I’m very happy that kids this year will...
Chef Lorena Garcia's picture

UPDATED: Making the School Day Healthier -- A MomsRising Latino Blog Carnival!

September 13, 2012
As one of Bravo's “Top Chef Masters” and author of Lorena Garcia's New Latin Classics: Fresh Ideas for Favorite Dishes , I’m thrilled to introduce this MomsRising Latino Blog Carnival -- Making the School Day Healthier. Healthy and delicious foods are my passion so I’m very happy that kids this...
Chef Lorena Garcia's picture

Dads Support Healthy Foods in Schools, Too

September 12, 2012
Like many parents, I’m excited that the 2012-2013 school-year has begun—the kids may already be grumbling about homework, but we parents know that while summertime can be good fun for the family, it can also be exhausting. I’m even more excited that my kids will have access healthier and more...
Dwayne C. Proctor's picture

Healthy Bargains

September 6, 2012
Bargains are available in all aspects of our lives, even when it comes to the health of our children. I have figured out a way to add nutritious foods, nutrition education and additional physical activity into my children’s elementary school at no cost. At Walt Disney Elementary School in San Ramon...
Gayla Moghannam's picture

Alliance for a Healthier Generation: Paying Attention To What We Feed Kids

September 6, 2012
We need to start paying attention to what we are feeding our children. One out of every three children in the United States is already overweight or obese and this generation may be the first who live sicker and die younger than their parents. This is not acceptable. But there is good news. We can...
Chef Lorena Garcia's picture

A Thumbs Up to These Great Federal Food Initiatives

September 6, 2012
You can imagine the excitement that ran through my bones when I opened my official invitation to the White House through the organization Latinos in Social Media (LATISM) . "Wow! Really? I was chosen as one of the TOP 70 LATINA BLOGGERS in the NATION!” Out of the 70 that were chosen in May, only 5...
Nicole Presley's picture
